Essay Contest: Freeing Freedom of Expression

News & SocietyNews

  • Author Lindee Rochelle
  • Published January 24, 2008
  • Word count 339

Annual writers’ competition invites exploration of First Amendment.

Freedom of speech: what works, what doesn’t work and when do we take our liberties too far? Featuring a provocative election year issue, "Freeing Freedom of Expression," the personal essay competition hosted by Women Writers Worldwide, is open to men for the first time, in addition to women. In its fourth year the article-length 1,500-word maximum format provides a serious platform for topical, eloquent debate.

Contest entrants are encouraged to explore whether the right to express themselves as writers… as people… is threatened, and what we can do to protect the First Amendment. Featured judge, Darrell Laurant of The Writers’ Bridge, again looks forward to stimulating essays. A basic publishing package provided by Infinity Publishing represents a major share of first place benefits totaling $700 in prize and cash rewards.

With a March 31, 2008 deadline, details, guidelines, entry form, and essay tips for "Freeing Freedom of Expression" are online. By submitting a $15 entry fee writers may enter on the website, or by USPS mail.

This year’s essay competition also introduces the I.N.K. Award—Inspiration Nurturing Knowledge—a special recognition by Women Writers Worldwide honoring one woman contestant who demonstrates exceptional talent (not placing in the top three). The primary prize is designed to assist the winner in advancing her writing goals. The inaugural award is a full written critique valued at $400, provided by Melanie Rigney, former Writer’s Digest editor and owner of

The Critique Lottery, a new writing contest concept gives every essay entrant the same opportunity to win one of ten free mini-critiques. Entries are received, logged and checked against ten numbers selected prior to the beginning of the competition. "I wish every contest offered this service (a critiquing opportunity)," said Mary Ann Back, winner of a free critique in WWW’s Halloween fiction contest. "It’s the only way we new writers can understand what we could have done to write better pieces, choose better venues, and ultimately find success in the writing market."

Women Writers Worldwide based in San Diego, originated in 2002 as Women Writers of the Desert, a Phoenix community organization, founded by LinDee Rochelle. Details: visit, email Featured judge: Darrell Laurant; featured sponsors: Infinity Publishing; and Melanie Rigney

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