Do you have a vision of your perfect life?

Social IssuesLifestyle

  • Author Melisa Milonas
  • Published April 10, 2008
  • Word count 1,133

Do you have a vision of your perfect life? Could you describe it to someone if you were asked right now? I have caught myself at times unsure of what I want for my life. Unable to describe the perfect life where I have everything I want. This lack of vision has caused me to run around in circles and produce results that were not necessarily what I wanted for my life.

A large part of why I have had a hard time defining my perfect life was that I did not believe I deserved a perfect life. I also found my clients felt this way as well. Like me they could not believe that their perfect life was achievable so they always brushed of thoughts that resembled the perfect life.

Feelings of not deserving and being unworthy are the roots and cause the barrier in believing in the vision of your perfect life. So like me and you have not expected much out of life. I found that this belief did not work for me. I saw that I was not really happy just trying to get by. To only shoot for the mediocre job, partner, and home was not fulfilling and life seemed to feel like a struggle.

I realized that this belief system was not the truth and that I deserved to have a fulfilling life that included everything I needed to be happy. So I started to map out my perfect life and I am going to share with you how you can do it for yourself. There may be a part of you that wants to resist doing this exercise. I too have had the tendency to resist focusing on identifying and creating my perfect life. My resistance came from the fear that I wanted so many things and if I did not get them I may be disappointed.

Your fears and beliefs are all made up. You make them based off your past experiences and then you believe them. If you can make up beliefs that dis-empowers you, then I invite you to make up beliefs that empowers you. Create what excites you and has you loving your life and waking up every day with enthusiasm.

In order for you to be able to focus on creating your perfect life you need to learn how to describe and articulate that life. Identify what excites you and would makes you happy. Distinguish the desires you want versus what your family and culture tell you should want.

In creating the map of your vision think about every aspect of your life health, career, home life, relationships. How do you want to feel in these areas of your life? What would you need to do and be to create those feelings?

For example, if you want to feel happy and free in your career, how could you create this? Maybe having a job that you get to make up your own schedule? Having a career that you get to contribute your ideas. Commit to being proactive by producing results in your work.

You can write your vision of the perfect life as a list or you can make collage. Include things that seem impossible, silly, or that you just don't believe you deserve. You will be surprised by how the universe will respond to your vision when you get clear about what you want even if you're not 100% convinced you will get it.

The next step is to believe that you deserve and can achieve what you want. To get past any feelings of resistance or lack of faith visualize your perfect life. The reason visualizing is important to do is that it makes you feel good and deserving. When you feel good it feels more believable and achievable for you and manifesting becomes much easier. See yourself with your dream partner and feel the wind on your skin as you are seeing yourself living by the beach.

I constantly tell myself "I deserve the best" so that I never settle. You to want to reprogram your old belief system to one that is aligned with your vision of the perfect life. Your old belief system will try to creep back in at times, you want to constantly remind yourself that you deserve the best and you're worthy of the perfect life. Otherwise, you will fall back into feeling cynical and resigned about life.

The last part in creating the vision of your prefect life is to let go of how it should happen. This means trust that what you desire is coming to you without worrying about when or how it will happen. Often times when we manifest what we want it comes in the most unexpected way. If you want things to come a specific way you may in fact block the possibility of your desires showing up in your life.

Let's review each step. First see what beliefs have been blocking you from focusing on creating the perfect life. For every aspect of your life identify what you want and then make a list or collage of your vision. Then, believe that you deserve everything you desire and you can achieve it.

Lastly, let go of being attached to how it will show up in your life and just be committed to living the perfect life.

Do not think of this exercise as a selfish egotistical thing to focus on but rather see this as your duty and contribution to yourself and humanity. Focusing on the vision of your perfect life will bring you happiness. Your happiness affects the lives of others. Remember not to look at your vision with the "if this then pattern" I have written about in the past. You do not have to wait to be happy and fulfilled and you don't need to suffer through life.

You can hold the intention of your perfect life while being grateful right now for everything in your life. In fact where you are now, is where you need to be, in order to get you to where you want to go in your life, so it is all perfect and divine.

Your assignment for this week: Create a list of the vision of your perfect life. Look at each area of your life: Home Career, Finances, Career, Relationships, Spirituality, and Health. List what you want in each area and be descriptive. You may also make a collage of the vision of your perfect life.

Cut out images and pictures that create the feeling and vision of what you want to create in your life. Be playful and get a group of friends together and create your vision with a group. Update your vision as you grow and your desires changes.

Copyright (c) 2008 Melisa Milonas LLC

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