Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

Health & FitnessExercise & Meditation

  • Author Rick Hutch
  • Published August 29, 2008
  • Word count 673

The benefits of aerobic exercise are myriad. They include systemic changes such as reduced cholesterol and blood pressure, improved muscular endurance, reduced body fat, increased metabolism, to name a few. Aerobic activities strengthen the heart and lungs, making them more efficient and durable, improving quality and quantity of life. Exercise not only extends your life, but also gives you more energy to live it to the fullest. Aerobic exercise improves the strength of your bones, ligaments and tendons, allows your body to use fats and sugars more efficiently, burns lots of calories and plays an important role in reducing the onset and symptoms of aging and illness.

Regardless of your age, weight or athletic ability, aerobic exercise is good for you. As your body adapts to regular aerobic exercise, you'll get stronger and more efficient. Your small blood vessels (capillaries) will widen to deliver more oxygen to your muscles and carry away waste products, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Your body will even release endorphins, natural painkillers that promote an increased sense of well-being.

LOWERED CHOLESTEROL ("fat" in the blood). This is a complex chemical area, but suffice it to say that exercise has an extremely positive effete on cholesterol levels and composition.

HORMONAL CHANGES (glandular secretions). The endocrine system ( Composed of our Glandular Systems )is the chemical regulator of the body. The glands react to aerobic stimulation by secreting specific hormones that have specific effects on specific parts of our bodies. One lowers cholesterol, one elevates mood another suppresses appetite, etc. There are literally hundreds of these chemical regulators present in our bodies at all times. Exercise affects the level of certain specific hormones and, thus, causes specific internal chemical changes in the body. Some of there changes are short-term and some become more permanent with a regular aerobic program.

Improves the quality of sleep that freshens you early next morning.

Helps to avoid chronic diseases like heart disease and hypertension.

Aerobics increases the resistance fatigue and gives you more energy.

Improves your mood and reduces depression, stress and anxiety.

One more important aspect of the benefits of Aerobics is that it makes the elements of the aerobics system in the bodies more active. All of the elements of the aerobics system in the human bodies, such as the heart, the lungs, the blood vessels and also the body muscles, become more active. The Aerobics exercises make the heart beat fast making it necessitate more and more Oxygen which is circulated to the cells even at the remotest part.

A regular and routined practice of the aerobics exercises will help you even when you grow old. The benefits of Aerobics also includes the growth and confirmation of mental peace, stamina and free logical thinking. The exhaustion caused by the practice of aerobics exercise gives you a mental satisfaction offering you the sensation of a unique relief. And, if you know yourself to be strong enough from the within of your body, you cannot but feel confident.

Exercise is also terrific for siphoning off some anxiety: people tend to feel more relaxed after working out, and they sleep better too. Exercise (particularly aerobic exercise) promotes the release of endorphins in the brain, creating a powerful and natural antidepressant activity that lasts well beyond the workout itself. Exercise is an important component of good mental health, releasing stress and tension, reducing anxiety and fighting depression with hormones and endorphins –the feel-good chemicals your body needs.

Along with physical health benefits, aerobics also helps in maintaining the emotional and psychological health of a person. It helps in de-stressing a person by relaxing one’s tensed muscles. In addition, a regular aerobic program helps in giving a person a sense of commitment and control, thereby strengthening his emotional self. Aerobic exercises are thus beneficial for the overall health of a person as along with providing you with a fit and a healthy figure, it helps in boosting up of one’s confidence level which in turn helps in infusing positive energy in a person.

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