A Newbie Program Promoter Asks What Are the Do's and Dont's of Forum Posting?

Computers & TechnologyBlogging / Forums

  • Author Jerry Garaffa
  • Published January 26, 2009
  • Word count 1,331

One question that I am still looking to answer is what works in internet online forum posting. What helps a program out in promoting it on a forum? Testimonials? Yummy! They have to be good. Who runs the business? Yes, that would be a question that would have to be answered. And what about the group promoting it? Do they seem like people a person would like to join a program in or under? That is at least part of the puzzle. This newbie will see what he can find.

The number one question I have found that people ask on forums is whether they are being paid. There are different angles this can come from. Some will ask "Are they paying on time?". There will be the simple "Have you been paid?". And I have heard "Will they pay in the future?" along with "How much can I make and how fast?". Obviously a person wants to answer these people honestly. If the program is paying, well there are your scrumptious testimonials. People love to see other happy people on a forum praising a program to high heaven. Of course they may think the promoters are too delighted and that nothing can be that good. I have so far found that to be the minority though. When real people are being paid on time and are happy the program gets quite a boost. The newcomers that are checking it out will be more inclined to at least stick around the thread and keep watching how things progress. Any grumbling or pessimism and the new folks won't stay long. Another biggie seems to be who is running the program and whether they are trustworthy. You certainly don't want to join a program, put money into it and then shabam! They're gone. They're gone and they're gone with your money. People will ask "Is there a solid structure for the program?". The way it is actually put is "Is it a brick and mortar company?". That is to ask do they have a "physical address?". If there is one that helps alot. It puts more legitimacy to the business. I have seen that fall apart too though. People though do seem to feel more comfortable if there is one. Considering these forums are online and the people are looking for money making opportunities in these places I find it a little curious that this is such a big thing. But I have found it to be something people look for. The trustworthiness of the management or owner if you will of a program is another thing people will wish to know about. Their track record can be a biggie. Have they run programs in the past that have failed? Have they payed in the past and of course do they have a reputation of closing down a program without telling the members and possibly running away with their money. If the program a person is promoting is run by someone like that then they won't be getting many takers no matter how glowing the testimonials. However, newer people to finding programs to join may not be as concerned with this. It could be that they are new to the jungle of internet money making and don't realize the potential pitfalls of this or they just see the money coming in in their heads and can't think straight.

On the other hand if the owner or manager of a program does seem like someone trustworthy or someone who has a good track record then that will give a boost to the program and the people trying to promote it on the forum. This goes back to testimonials again but this time the testimonial is about the person or people themselves that are running the business. If people coming to a thread about a program see the members comfortable with the ownership of the program that will help also. They will think to themselves "If these people that are just like myself are comfortable with him or her or them then maybe this is a program I can be comfortable in joining." Another one is the group promoting the program. Not the management of the program but the members on the forums promoting the program. What kind of people do they seem to be. Do they just want you to join up under them so they may get a quick affiliate commission or do they seem like people that are genuinely honest and understanding of a person's concerns when they check a program out? Ramming or trying to ram a program down a person's throat without them knowing alot about it will almost never work. At least it shouldn't.

When someone comes into a thread and starts asking questions it is because they are interested in the program. The members should be as patient with them as they would like someone to be with them. If the program is really as good as the members believe or act like they do then answering questions should not be a problem. The confidence that they show in either answering or trying to answer can go a long way to getting someone to join a program.

There is also a trust that can be built this way. By showing that you will take the time to answer the new person's concerns which may even include off the forum you can show that you can be someone they may wish to work with and yes, sign up under. Yes there can be selling of not only the program but the individuals or teams on the forum. Again, a group willing to help a person can say alot about their confidence in the program

On the other hand , grousing and complaining among the members of the thread trying to promote can keep people from joining a program. It may even keep them from even posting any concerns they have. They may look at the group like the Adams family and decide to not even go near the program. After all, why would people be upset if a program is working out so well? And who would be the one to help you with questions you may have? Finally, do you want to work with or sign up under someone who seems combative or unhappy. People do have concerns always but someone who is always complaining is not someone most people would want to join under. Again, a person wishes to sign under someone they feel they can have a working relationship with. There are other things people look for like pay plans and when they get paid. There is also how often and sometimes how fast they get paid but when people like myself are trying to promote a program I have seen at least up to this point that the main things that help sell a program are testimonials, trustworthiness and indeed how the people on the forum promoting the program act. A helpful group can really help sell a program. And the main reason they are so helpful is because they believe in it and are not out to screw anyone.

There will always be the phony ones out there but to me they are usually found out when someone needs help understanding something. The phony ones will help out but only to a point since they are more interested in making the buck then caring about the potential new members concerns. They will just move on to the next person or in some cases victim.

Don't get me wrong, we are on the forums promoting our program to make money but we shouldn't lose our soul doing it. If the program is something we believe will help the new people checking it out we should be happy to help them and ourselves at the same time. By doing that both the program and the members can prosper. And of course the new people checking it out.

Jerry Garaffa - Happy RIOY member and forum

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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