The Greensboro Four And The Power Of Black Youth

News & SocietyNews

  • Author Reggie Dunlop
  • Published March 16, 2010
  • Word count 383

Black History. Read about it. Be about it. ( The place was Greensboro, North Carolina. The era was the "Jim Crow" segregated south. Whites enjoyed the privilege of dining wherever they pleasured, while negro's/colored were only allowed to eat, drink and sleep at a small handful of "negro only" spots. This was not just for your average black folk, this garbage extended to highest government officials, celebrities and athletes. Can you imagine Jay-Z and Beyonce having to stay at a flea bag "negro only" hotel in the hood after performing at the Grammy's? The top celebrities of those days like Diana Ross, Sammy Davis Jr., and Ike and Tina Turner did.

But on February 1, 1960 4 black youth, all around the ages 17, got feed up with that "white only" bulljargin and decided enough was enough. Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond and Joseph McNeil, all students from a Carolina A&T rolled into the F.W. Woolworth Store, which was like the Dollar Store of that day. They took seats at the "Whites Only" lunch bar and tried to order. The restaurant refused to serve them. They stayed that afternoon, didn't get served, but came back day after day. Their protest sparked a wave of sit-ins and resistance all over the south, enlivening the Civil Rights Movement. It was change that a lot of people could believe in, especially those trying to get a burger.

Resistance to injustice is a right of all Americans. Currently there is an organized resistance called the Tea Party Movement, they're protesting actions of government that they disagree with. That's their right. It is also your right to stand up to wrong doings that affect you and your community. Go to city hall. Write your politicians, or better yet grab some friends and go down to see them.

The Greensboro 4 were only 17 years old and they truly made America a better place, especially for Blacks and Black Youth. Unlike many of the key figures of the Civil Rights Movement, most of the Greensboro Four are still alive. Can we show these brothers some love? During Black History Month we would like to send the Greensboro Four at least 50,000 thank you's. Don't just read about it. Be about it.. Email a quick thank you to

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