How To Overcome Shyness


  • Author Julia Hanson
  • Published May 1, 2010
  • Word count 404

How To Overcome Shyness

Introverts and extroverts alike sometimes struggle with shyness. Almost everyone has struggled with shyness at some point. Causes of shyness are less vital than responding appropriately.

Shyness consists of three basic elements:

1 Feeling self-conscious. Shy individuals tend to be obsessive about their own social performance.

2 Self-evaluation is negative. Shy people tend to think they are doing poorly and think everybody else thinks so too.

3 Very negative self-preoccupation. Shy individuals see themselves as socially inept and believe everybody else shares this negative view.

People who struggle with shyness are very self-absorbed. Poor self-image, lack of confidence, an inability to focus outward, and a lack of basic social skills are all factors that lead shy individuals to be very self-absorbed.

Shyness can be overcome. All that is necessary is a willingness to change and to follow these tips:.

• Understanding why you feel shy. Shy individuals have to stop self-obsessing and see that they're distorting reality. Let shy feelings go by acknowledging them and moving on.

• Understanding others. Most people worry about their own issues not the issues of others. Shy people assume others judge them when really they judge themselves. When you pay less attention to fear, shyness goes away.

• Acknowledge your strengths. Quit obsessing regarding what you think that are your faults. Focus on your positive qualities instead.

• Take an interest in other people. Concentrate on someone besides yourself and your shyness can go away. Ask somebody new some friendly questions. Focus your attention on others instead of yourself.

• Give up attempting to fit in. Being the life of the party is not what it’s cracked up to be. Being yourself is always the most effective policy.

• Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing is incompatible with social anxiety. When you feel anxious or afraid, check and correct your breathing.

• Appreciate yourself. Learn to enjoy being alone. Go to lunch or for coffee alone. Take yourself on a date. Learning to enjoy yourself will teach you to enjoy others.

Shyness is curable. Shyness only feels incurable; it is actually easy to cure.

Learn to love yourself and your shyness will vanish. Once you learn to like yourself, getting other folks to like you is a piece of cake. Practice makes shyness vanish fast. Avoiding social situations is a bad idea. Practice is what will help you within the long run.

Sooner than you imagine you might just look forward to social situations!.

Simply a reminder - Check How To Overcome Shyness here: How To Overcome Shyness

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