Mouth Ulcer Treatment

Health & FitnessExercise & Meditation

  • Author John Alter
  • Published May 19, 2010
  • Word count 569

The open sores which appear in the mouth are called as mouth ulcers. They are white or yellow in color, and are generally accompanied with a sharp pain, which is felt most when the person is eating. The pain is quite acute when salty or spicy food passes over the ulcer. Mouth ulcers can occur anywhere in the mouth - on the inner surface of the cheeks, lips, tongue, palate and at the base of the gums.In most reported cases, mouth ulcers starts off with a sort of tingling or burning sensation at the spot where the future mouth ulcer will occur. After a few days, a blister forms in the mouth with the top quickly sloughed off resulting in a red spot or a bump, which will then be followed by an open ulcer. The mouth ulcer appears as a white or yellow oval with an inflamed red border. Sometimes a white circle or halo around the lesion can be seen. The grey, white, or yellow colored area within the red boundary is due to the formation of layers of fibrin around the ulcer.

Many mouth ulcers often seem to start off as a small bubble or blister which then becomes open and ulcerated and this is when the pain really starts. However, they can be caused accidentally by someone biting themselves or there lips are so dry that they crack and then the ulcers begin to form on their lips.For long term relief from ulcer you need to take deglycyrrhizinated liquorice (DGL). It stimulates your body to produce protective mucus that encourages healing of mucous membranes, and fight bacteria that causes mouth ulcer. Buy chewable DGL tablets that have had compound glycyrrhizic acid removed as this acid can cause water retention and high blood pressure. Take one or two three times a day. Use it as often as you need. Try taking it for three months to solve the ulcer problem completely if you are suffering from chronic mouth ulcer.

Firstly, it should be brought to the fore what the worst type of mouth ulcer cure is. Purchasing external cold sore ointment and rubbing it into the inside of the mouth. I know, the packaging clearly says "For External Use Only", however many cases have been reported of people mistakenly believing that "cold sore" and "mouth ulcer" are the same and ending up with a mouthful of completely un-useful and unhelpful ointment.Mouth ulcers are an indication of a run down condition and are best treated by improving the overall general health. They commonly occur after a course of antibiotics or recovering from influenza. Orthodox medicine puts them down to viruses - but I doubt this. They almost certainly are a form of allergy or sensitivity.

The development of an abscess ulceration is usually heralded by soreness or a burning feeling in the mouth; they are round or oval, less than five in number and under 10mm in diameter. Treatment is by the local application of steroids: Adcortyl (Triamcinolone) in Orabase, or by holding a steroid pellet containing either weak hydrocortisone or betamethasone, against the ulcer.Mouth ulcers are usually harmless and they will go away in a few days time. However, if your condition is very serious and you can't get rid of it, it is best to consult your doctor as it may be due to viral infection or by other health problems.

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