Author's articles

How to Manage Stress at School
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
School days as we all know is supposed to be the most wonderful days of our life. It is that particular time of our life when we are able to explore our thoughts, increase our ...
The Characteristics of a Good Leader
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
The position of a leader is as empowering as it is exhausting. Irrespective of the fact that you are a leader at a school or a community or at your workplace, you are the subject ...
To Be or Not To Be a Friendly Leader
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
There are no limits to the expectations of people from their leader. The leaders are always expected to be better than the rest and make fair and effective decisions every single time. Most of the ...
Public Speaking Skills and Leadership
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
With great power comes great responsibility. Fulfilling the task of a leader efficiently is not an easy task. A series of qualities and characteristics are required in a person if he intends to be a ...
Contribution of Print in imbibing Leadership Qualities in Youth
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
Needless to say that the youth that lacks confidence, expertise, awareness, values and self worth cannot be expected to make good leaders. All of these above qualities have to be instilled within these young people ...
Tricks to Win the Game of Mixed Martial Arts
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
As the name suggests Mixed Martial Arts is a hybrid kind of sports that employs various moves and tactics from different form of martial arts from ancient to modern times in the game. Need less ...
The Characteristics of Mixed Martial
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts which deals with full contact combat and is a combination of the techniques of a lot of other forms of fighting. This form of martial arts is particularly popular ...
Colon Cleansing Activity Made Easy By Your Home Made Cleansing Process-Learn How?
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
Colon cleansing and body cleans go hand in hand for smooth and healthy living. But unlike a colon cleanser, a body cleanser imparts attention towards the entire body while the colon cleanser subsides towards cleaning ...
A Sneak Peek into Mixed Martial Arts Fitness Training
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
The strength and fitness of the MMA fighters makes them one of the most sought after athletes in the world. One look at any MMA match and it is easy to make out why it ...
Acai Berry Colon Cleanse Review
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
You may or may not have heard of something called a colon cleanse. Basically, a colon cleanse is a way of clearing out toxins and excess waste from your body. Any time you eat too ...
Should You Get a Personal a Mixed Martial Arts Trainer?
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
If you think you have potential to be a Mixed Martial Arts (or MMA) fighter, you might be wondering: should you get a personal MMA trainer? You have to keep in mind that the very ...
How to Weight Train for Mixed Martial Arts
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
If you are interested in mixed martial arts, it’s good to understand how it works inside and out. At its essence, mixed martial arts (or MMA) is a sport that is literally "no-holds-barred." There are ...
The Role of Plyometrics in mixed Martial Arts
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
You’ve seen them fighting in the ring. Those fighters are solid muscle––maybe twice your weight––but they can still jump higher and move faster than you can, somehow. That footwork and endurance is not an accident; ...
A Brief History of Bodybuilding
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
The importance of a good physique is nothing new to modern times. Certainly, the cavemen with the best bodies were more successful than their bespectacled, math geek counterparts. This is actually hard wired into people. ...
Is Fish Oil Harmful To Our Health?
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
Most people have already heard all the hype about how great fish oil is, but how many people have asked themselves: is fish oil harmful? It seems like a counterintuitive question to ask––after all, if ...
How Fish Oil Can Cure Inflammation
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
First, you have to ask yourself: What is inflammation? Without a solid understanding of inflammation and what causes it, you aren’t going to fully appreciate the worth of fish oil. If you are curious about ...
How Fish Oil Can Benefit Your Health
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
Fish oil is one of the most talked-about health revelations of the last several decades. If you haven’t heard about it, pay close attention––this article will explain why it is such a great help to ...
How Can You Benefit From Fish Oil Supplements?
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
It’s natural to be wary of all of these commercials that claim to have a miracle product (especially on those late night infomercials). However, if you are too unwilling to try something that claims these ...
Bodybuilding Tips for Overcoming the Plateau
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
If you are interested in making continual progress in bodybuilding, the following bodybuilding tips will be worth the read. First, you must keep in mind that there is going to be a time where you ...
Bodybuilding Techniques
By Emile Jarreau · 15 years ago
There has been a lot of research conducted on bodybuilding, and separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to proper bodybuilding techniques can be a challenge. Fortunately, if you study the facts about ...