Author's articles

What Are the Reasons to Work with a Prosthodontist?
By Brown & Nawrocki · 3 months ago
You may think any dentist could provide the sort of treatment you need. Doesn’t each one have an all-inclusive education when it comes to dental work? However, the truth is that a prosthodontist can suit ...
5 Easy Ways to Make Oral Hygiene Fun for the Whole Family
By Jacksonville Dental Excellence · 5 months ago
As a parent, you know the importance of brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash consistently. Of course, getting your children onboard is a whole different story. If you feel like you’ve tried everything but had ...
7 Must-Know Tips for Helping Your Child During Their First Week with Braces
By Simplibraces · 7 months ago
Whether your child’s first appointment is rapidly approaching or you just left their orthodontist’s office, you might be wondering how you can make the transition to life with braces smooth and painless. Well, there are ...
3 Ways Your Smile Can Help Your Career
By Shane Smith Dds · 7 months ago
At this point, perhaps you want a career boost. The rising cost of living may leave your budget tight otherwise. Well, there’s a good way to make your job even better: cosmetic dentistry! Having a ...
How to Choose the Best Cosmetic Dentist for You
By Smile Rejuvenations · 8 months ago
If you want a prettier smile, you’ve likely thought of seeing a cosmetic dentist. After all, they’re the best when it comes to enhancing grins. Still, you’ll need to find one who’s skilled and well-qualified. ...
Set the Tone: 5 Romantic Paint Colors for a Couple’s Bedroom
By Platinum Painting · 8 months ago
You’ve heard the saying “new year, new me,” but what about “new year, new us?” If you and your spouse are focused on building your connection this year, then it may be helpful to start ...
A Guide to Recovery from Wisdom Tooth Removal
By Roman Dental - Houston, Tx · 8 months ago
So, you’ve just had a wisdom tooth extraction. You’re likely glad to be done with treatment now. That said, don’t forget: You still have to recover from your procedure. You’ll need to be careful of ...
What Could Make a Dental Bridge Fail?
By Dentistry For Life - Lancaster, Pa · 8 months ago
At first glance, you might assume dental bridges are foolproof. That’s a common thought – prosthetic teeth can often seem invincible. Still, the truth is quite the opposite: various things can make a dental bridge ...
6 Non-Cosmetic Benefits of Invisalign
By Arts Family Dentistry Of Dallas · 8 months ago
When Invisalign debuted its clear aligners, the field of orthodontics changed forever. Now, patients can effectively address spaced-out, crowded, and otherwise misaligned teeth without the metal. Although the see-through trays are certainly noteworthy, they often ...
How Should You Respond to a Chipped Tooth?
By How Should You Respond To A Chipped Tooth? · 10 months ago
Chipping a tooth is never a good development. After all, the incident can ruin your smile’s look and put your health at risk. Still, there’s no need for you to panic over things. You can ...
4 Reasons Seniors Should Prioritize Oral Hygiene
By Dave Lee · 11 months ago
Although it should be a top priority, patients of all ages neglect their dental care. For seniors, it’s especially important to prioritize oral hygiene – it will benefit both your oral and overall health! To ...
An Inside Look at the Link Between Divorce, Dating, and Dental Health
By Ryan Johnson · 1 year ago
Currently, divorce rates in the United States come to 2.3 people per 1,000. While the overall trend is steadily declining, it’s on the rise for people who are over the age of 50. If you ...
Speaking Publicly? Here’s Why You Should Whiten Your Teeth First
By Jay Lopez · 1 year ago
Do you have an important presentation or speech rapidly approaching? Whether you are petrified of public speaking or are completely at-ease in front of an audience, there is a lot of preparation that’s needed beforehand, ...
5 Oral Health-Related Tips from a Dentist (& Why You Should Listen)
By William Buck · 1 year ago
At this point, you may have heard advice like “make sure you floss every day” at nauseum. However, with staggering statistics like 90% of Americans having at least one cavity by their 21st birthday and ...
What’s the Best Kind of Milk for Your Smile?
By Richard Mullens · 1 year ago
You may have heard that a refreshing glass of milk can be highly beneficial for your smile. And while this is true, it’s important to remember that there are different types of milk, and some ...
Is Your Dog’s Mouth Really Cleaner Than Yours?
By Bruce Barker · 1 year ago
As a dog owner, it’s important to do whatever you can to make sure that your canine friend’s mouth stays as healthy as possible. You may have heard that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than ...
Why Consider Stem Cell Banking for Teeth?
By Jeff Roy · 1 year ago
Tooth loss often doesn’t have an upside. After all, it can lead to a bad-looking smile and various oral issues. However, the condition can have a silver lining in some cases. Losing or pulling a ...
Is There Any Such Thing as Being Too Old for Dental Implants?
By Steve Koo · 1 year ago
For years, you’ve been relying on your dentures to help you chew your food and maintain a smile that you can be confident in showing off. But if your dentures have been slipping recently, you ...
4 Reasons Regular Dental Care for Seniors in Assisted Living Is Important
By Ben Wolfe · 1 year ago
With obstacles like lack of transportation, age-related memory loss, and loss of dental benefits, it’s not surprising that senior dental care continues to be a concern in the U.S. However, routine checkups are important whether ...
The Warning Signs of Oral Cancer (and Why It’s Important to Know Them)
By Steve Koo · 1 year ago
In the United States, oral cancer accounts for about three percent of all cancers diagnosed in the space of one year. This condition often isn’t caught until it reaches its more advanced stages, but there ...