Blogging / Forums

How to Optimize and Speed Up Your WordPress Blog
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Why should you speed up WordPress? Why would you not want your website to load as fast as possible? When checking out new websites, nothing makes me spring for the “back” button like a slow ...
What Makes WordPress an Incredibly Powerful Blogging System?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
So why choose WordPress? You may have heard that Google gives priority to these websites. There's strong evidence that WordPress blogs get better search rankings than other sites. WordPress Blogging What is so special about ...
What Are the 10 Scariest Things About WordPress Blogging?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
With its user-friendly interface and a plethora of customization options, WordPress has become one of the most popular blogging platforms globally, attracting millions of website owners to create and publish content. However, despite its many ...
How is WordPress the Best Choice for a Website?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
For most bloggers, WordPress is probably the best thing ever invented. This is because it allows bloggers to tweak almost every little detail in their blogs. This gives bloggers tremendous power and flexibility in managing ...
What Do You Need to Know About WordPress Security?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
A very important fact to consider is to make all of your WordPress blog (s) as secure as possible to prevent hackers from accessing your site and destroying everything that you have worked so hard ...
How To Be More Successful At Blogging To Make Money
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Have you always wanted to blog but didn't know where to start? Blogging has gotten progressively easier than ever thanks to new technology. Have you always wanted to blog but didn't know where to start? ...
How to Use a Security Checklist to Help Keep Your Blog Safe From Hackers
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Keeping your blog secure is crucial to protecting your content, readers, and reputation as a blogger. Hackers are always looking for website vulnerabilities, and blogs are no exception. So, is there a security checklist to ...
What are the Best Reasons to Use WordPress?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
There are tons of WordPress benefits. WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS.) But why do webmasters choose WordPress? What are some of the benefits of using WordPress? What Is WordPress? WordPress is ...
What Does Blogging Mean?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Blogging is the action you perform when you make a post to a weblog or blog, comment on a previous blog post, or maintain a blog. Many people who make posts to a blog regularly ...
What are the Best Ways to Promote Your Blog?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Introduction. Starting and maintaining a successful blog entails more than just writing great posts. You need to promote your blog if you want more people to visit your site and read your posts. Fortunately, there ...
What are the Best Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Blog for SEO?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Introduction. By optimizing a WordPress site for search engines, a site can increase its organic traffic and its visibility in search results. Since its inception, WordPress has been built with search engine optimization (SEO) best ...
What are 7 Proven Ways to Make Money with WordPress Blogging?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Do you have a blog and want your work to pay off? We will show you 7 ways to make money from your WordPress blog. First of all: This is not a guide to becoming ...
Why You Should Backup Your WordPress Blog?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
There are many reasons to back up your WordPress blog and make sure you always have a copy of it in case something goes wrong. Your database might crash, you might accidentally delete some of ...
What are the WordPress Hacks That Every Blogger Should Know?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Your blog is key to connecting with your audience and can help you build brand awareness and reach your marketing goals. As a blogger, you want to ensure your site is functional, attractive, easy to ...
What are the Steps to Setting Up Your Blog?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Once you have chosen a niche market (blog topic) and you have already done your research, then you can now get down to business putting up your blog. However, this is not as simple as ...
How Do You Optimize Your Blog Posts?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Optimization is the name of the game when it comes to drawing as much traffic to any site because of the revenue potential this can bring. Page Rank Basics Keywords - these are by far ...
Why Does EVERY Blog Need the Duplicator Plugin Installed?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
If there was only one plugin to use, it would be Duplicator because of what you can do with it. Duplicator is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to: 1. Backup the blog's database ...
What are the Ways to Move Your HTML Website to WordPress?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Suppose you have created a website in HTML and then you find out about blogging, specifically WordPress. You decide that after learning what you can accomplish with WordPress, you want to convert your HTML site ...
How a malware works
By Shahriar Galib · 1 year ago
Hacking is one of the most enjoyable and mysterious tech fields in the world. There are tons of different sides of hacking which you can choose as your career. But among all of them, my ...
What Do You Do if Your Website Gets Hacked?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
If you own a website, you must be aware of the potential risks associated with hacking. When a website is hacked, it can lead to several adverse outcomes, including data loss, reputation damage, and financial ...