
Introduction to Architecture: What Kids Should Know
By Ann Liu · 10 months ago
Imagine looking up at a towering skyscraper, tracing the outline of a centuries-old cathedral, or marveling at a cozy cottage nestled in the woods. All around us, buildings and structures tell stories—of design, culture, and ...
Is pig farming ecological in the 21st century
By David Steven Chalmers · 9 months ago
Abstract In the 21st century it is becoming increasingly necessary to evaluate the environmental impact of various industries. One industry that has come under specific scrutiny is that of livestock farming due to land use ...
Mastering Psychosocial Hazards: How Effective Training Can Safeguard Your Workplace
By Sebnem Bulan-Worth · 9 months ago
Understanding Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace In order to create a safe and healthy workplace, it is crucial to understand and address the concept of psychosocial hazards. Psychosocial hazards refer to the interaction between work, ...
How to Choose an English Language Tutor Online? The Top 5 Criteria
By Alex Usachev · 10 months ago
The world has become a global village, thanks to the internet, and learning English is more convenient than ever before. With a plethora of online English tutors, how do you find the one that is ...
‘On the Verge of Dropping Out…’
By Frankie Weaver · 11 months ago
Plumbing and mechanical systems inspector Jothum Stallings recounts as a high school student being on the verge of dropping out. His career story interview illustrates the effectiveness of developing career-connected learning and the promise of ...
How Many Fl. Ounces are In 10 Cups of water? Guide
By Scott Azro · 11 months ago
If you want to know how many fluid ounces are in 10 cups of water, you have come to the right place. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about fluid ...
The Changing Career Landscape in the AI Economy
By Sunny Shah · 11 months ago
There has been a huge spike in interest in Generative AI and AI-powered toolsin recent times. The launch of OpenAI’s intelligent chatbot – ChatGPT was a significant crossing of the Rubicon for not just professionals ...
Low-Cost Private Schools: A Solution for Out-of-School Children in Nigeria
By Okpo Zion Oshiobugie · 11 months ago
In Nigeria, the issue of out-of-school children remains a pressing concern that requires immediate attention. According to recent data, Nigeria has one of the world's highest numbers of out-of-school children. As of 2021, it was ...
Understanding the Complexity of Overlapping Regionalism in Southeast Asia and its Impact on ASEAN’s Centrality
By Jhoanna Rosales · 1 year ago
Abstract Southeast Asia is a diverse region with multiple overlapping regional organizations, each with its own set of objectives and priorities. The challenges of overlapping regionalism in Southeast Asia are complex and multifaceted, requiring careful ...
How to Teach Online: Tips and Strategies for Engaging Virtual Learners
By Mary Webb · 1 year ago
As a teacher navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape, I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with teaching English online. In this article, I want to share valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help fellow ...
The Untold History: The Suffering of Indonesian Women in 1943–1945
By Putri Tifanny Azizah · 1 year ago
It was promised that the people, including women, would receive proper education to contribute to their country's progress. However, it appears that the promises made by the Japanese people were not fulfilled, and it seems ...
What is the National Engineering Register (NER)? How to apply?
By Emma Jones · 1 year ago
What is NER? The National Engineering Register (NER) is a platform that recognizes and showcases the achievements and qualifications of professional engineers. It acts as a comprehensive database, documenting the credentials and expertise of engineers ...
Are blinds good for schools?
By Edward Wilkinson · 1 year ago
Blinds are commonly used in schools. They are installed on windows to control the amount of natural light that enters the classroom, which can be adjusted depending on the time of day or the activity ...
An Examination of Lycanthropy
By Augustine O'hagan · 1 year ago
Werewolves have been a consistent theme throughout all cultures and ages. From the Nagual of the Aztecs, to the Benendanti of 16th century Italy. Though are they real? That is certainly a question to ask, ...
Meeting the Uzbek client where he is at, and not at.
By Dmitri Oster, Lcsw · 1 year ago
Working predominantly with Uzbek-, Russian-, and Tajik-speaking men from the hinterlands of Central Asia over more than a decade has allowed me to refine some ideas on the concept of motivational interviewing via a "culturally ...
Uzbek respectfulness and mental health implications; traditions of Hurmatchiliq
By Dmitri Oster · 1 year ago
What if what is missing from some of our most cherished theories of personality assessment and behavioral change is the idea of respect? A respect that is based on a deep and authentic sense of ...
Counseling Uzbek-speaking clients; kak deela-siz?
By Dmitri Oster · 1 year ago
Counseling Uzbek-speaking clients and others from the ex-Soviet Central Asian region is not something I planned for when I started my career in the mental health and social services arena more than twenty years ago. ...
The Top 10 Java Assignment Expert Suggestions to Ace Your Programming Paper
By Hazel Wilson · 1 year ago
Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and it is widely used in software development. As a Java programming student, you will be tasked with completing Java programming assignments to ...
Job Performance Evaluation Criteria-2023
By Mahadi Hasan · 1 year ago
Job performance evaluation criteria are always helpful and important to evaluate employee performance. Some well-defined job performance evaluation criteria help to ensure the professional growth and development of the employees. In this article, you will ...
What to do if someone is choking?
By Lt. Jeff Haughy · 1 year ago
What to do if someone is choking? Do you ever seen someone faced choking around you? It’s a terrifying moment when some person struggle these phase. So, what to do if someone is choking?. If ...