
The Importance of Dissertation Editing and Proofreading
By Elizabeth Carter · 1 year ago
Writing a dissertation is a challenging and time-consuming task that requires a significant amount of effort and dedication. But, even after completing the writing, the work is not yet done. Editing and proofreading are essential ...
Blinds installed in John Lennon's old school
By Edward Wilkinson · 1 year ago
Over 40 years since his untimely death, John Lennon is still one of the most famous musicians to have ever lived. His legacy will last a lifetime, and I highly doubt that any musical act ...
How to write an assignment quickly
By Elizabeth Carter · 1 year ago
A really challenging essay can require more time than 24 hours. You might, however, only have a little more than an hour to write a polished paper. Consider your SAT scores. You will need to ...
Breaking the Cycle: The Impact of Female Out-of-School Children in Nigeria
By Okpo Zion Oshiobugie · 1 year ago
According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Nigeria has the highest number of out-of-school children worldwide, with over 10.5 million children not attending school. Of this number, a disproportionate number are girls. The increasing ...
The Xenon Theory
By Mystri Olsen Naziel · 1 year ago
This is the Xenon Theory, which was made by me, Mystri Angel Olsen Naziel. Before we get onto that, I'm going to brief you on a few things. The first is DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. ...
Why Was the U.S. Air Force Created
By Josiah Eloy · 1 year ago
Congress created the Army Air Corps on July 2, 1926, which was abolished by the National Security Act of 1947, creating the Independent Air Force on September 18, 1947. The Air Corps was replaced by ...
IELTS Preparation in Dubai
By Muhammad Faizan · 1 year ago
With more than 3.5 million tests completed in the past year, IELTS is the most widely used English language competence test for higher education and international migration. Over 10,000 organizations, including universities, professional associations, businesses, ...
What exactly is BLS, and why is BLS Certification necessary?
By Jeff Haughy · 1 year ago
Have you ever found yourself in a position where the life of someone you cared about is in danger? You're aware of the anxiety of these situations. To ensure the person's life, you'll take every ...
Methods of forming the perception of fiction by older preschoolers
By Emily Valishina · 1 year ago
Fiction is the type of art that accompany a person from the first years of life. The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of folklore is enormous, since it, by expanding knowledge about the surrounding reality, ...
How to Conduct a Basic Crime Scene Investigation
By Dr. Anthony T. Craft · 1 year ago
This article is aimed to assist you in obtaining the most appreciative and rewarding information that discusses the Basic Crime Scene Investigator and Basic Criminal Investigations. By actually understanding the research that my team and ...
How to Conquer Anger
By Dr. Anthony T. Craft · 1 year ago
Anger can be defined as a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Anger can further be identified as an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone, or something that was deliberately initiated, and at the ...
7 Most Common Strategies Involved by Expert Writers in Research Paper. 
By Dan Rogers · 1 year ago
Writing a good work paper is an art itself! And it is not only for advanced scholars, but also for professional research paper writers because it is all about noting down the findings, helping to ...
The Truth Behind Extreme Evangelical Christianity in Schools
By Ann Peltier · 1 year ago
The Truth Behind Extreme Evangelical Christianity in Schools Should extreme Evangelical Christianity be allowed in schools? The type of Christianity that only accepts a certain standard of perfection, and if you don’t reach it then ...
Cumberland Academy: Learning Program amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
By Donald Urick · 1 year ago
If you're looking for a school that specializes in autism, Cumberland Academy is the place for you. With a close-knit community and an open environment, Cumberland is the perfect place for children with autism to ...
What Educational Technology can do for Teachers in the Nigeria
By Paul Olisaeloka Anozie · 1 year ago
If the instructional designers can develop highly effective instructional resources, then some of the teacher’s time can be utilized on the emotional, social, moral and psychological development of the children. --A. O. Iwu It can ...
The Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Students,Teachers, and Educational Business Leaders
By Paola Paez · 1 year ago
Abstract Background There have been several studies that have analyzed mental health issues amongst all personnel in the field of education, from students to teachers to the heads of educational institutions. This article examines 6 ...
Observing an Art Educator
By Liz Thomas · 1 year ago
Observing an Art Educator Ms. Hodgson is an art educator in the 12th class who teaches a general visual course to 20 students. She is a young teacher who was inspired to share her passion ...
Why Pro - Choice ?
By Kiorrah Hill · 1 year ago
Why Pro-Choice? They are stripping away the right to decide to have an abortion in a country where women and men are granted rights over their bodies . The Senate 8 bill has divided many ...
Best Way to Ace the CIMA Financial Strategy F3 Exam
By Kevin Peter · 1 year ago
Accomplish your CIMA Financial Strategy F3 Certification effortlessly The CIMA Financial Strategy F3 Certification is a worldwide perceived monetary administration qualification. Acquiring your CIMA Financial Strategy F3 Certification can assist you with showing your monetary ...
Indexing Bodies For Academic Journals - Top 10 Indexing Bodies
By Eddy Abasi-Ada Nnabuk · 2 years ago
A journal is a platform where research works are presented for scrutiny and discussion. A lot of academic journals are online journals and this means that researchers would have to submit their research online either ...