Inner Dialogue & The Power Of The Subliminal Message


  • Author Michael Mcgrath
  • Published October 30, 2007
  • Word count 857

Many of us have unwanted and undesirable traits and behaviours that if given the choice we would eliminate and replace with their positive opposite. Have you ever tried to change a behaviour or character trait merely through will-power and conscious effort? I'm sure you have. You will therefore be well aware of just how much energy and diligence this takes. In many cases the energy it takes to overcome your own internal resistance to change is so great that you just give-up. So what if there was an easier effortless way to achieve these same changes and also remove your own resistance? Well there is and it's achieved through the use of Subliminal Message programming!

In order to understand how this can be achieved let's take a quick look at your behaviours and your character traits and the motivation behind them. Every form of behaviour that you display is motivated by your thoughts. Regardless of whether you consider your behaviour to be positive or negative you will find, upon introspection, that this behaviour has a thought or series of thoughts that drive it. This is great news because if you have unwanted behaviour that is directed by your thought then all you have to do is change your thinking and your behaviour will change automatically.

When you look further into this and ask yourself why you think in a certain way you will find that at its core your thinking is directed by your emotions. This is also great news for although many people fail to realise it you should understand that your emotional responses are also under your control. For example you had the desire to read this article. That desire lead to the thought "I am going to read this article" which in turn lead to the reading of the article or the action of actually doing it.

If you want to create change in your behaviours and actions, which will inevitably lead to changes in your life, all you need to do is change the motivations and thoughts which drive your actions.

Now doing this consciously can be a great up-hill struggle. For this reason many great technologies were devised to make this process speedier and more comfortable. Hypnosis is a great tool for self change as is visualisation and the use of affirmations but one of the most effective methods, which requires the least amount of effort, is Subliminal programming.

In order to get the most from using subliminal technology all you need is the decision to change and the persistence to listen to your chosen Subliminal Message program. For this reason the entire process becomes incredibly simple an deasy. Once you have made the decision to change the rest of the process is relatively straight forward. As with anything in life after a decision has been made it must be backed by the appropriate action.

If you make a decision to learn golf then sitting at home watching day-time TV isn't going to progress you forward in that goal. Instead you must study the basics and then the advanced techniques of golf while you practise actually playing the game. Self improvement is no different. However with subliminal programming and the use of subliminal messages you can make the transition painless and a lot faster than you could with conventional methods.

To eliminate unwanted behaviours and create new ones you now know that you must change your emotional responses and thoughts regarding certain things in your life. The quickest way to do this is to change your internal dialogue or self-talk.

The way you speak to yourself is a very important factor in how you view the world and your place in it. You inner dialogue determines your predominant thoughts and actions and thus is the most important driving force behind your behaviours. So through subliminal technologies is very easy to change this self-talk and guide it from where it is now to where you wish it to be.

Do you want to think like a millionaire? Would you like to change your iner dialogue to reflect that of a thin fit person who loves exercise and never indulges on fatty life-threatening foods? How do you think your life would unfold if you were the type of person who's inner dialogue was one that reflected high self-esteem and confidence? What do you think you could achieve if you spoke to yourself like a high-achiever? Would you like to be a person who's internal dialogue matched that of life's winners? Would you like to speak to yourself in motivational, encouraging ways and change your thoughts and inner words to match that of your role models?

If the answer is yes then subliminal programming is probably the fastest most effortless way to do it. You can literally reprogram any habit or behaviour and install new self-talk on any subject you wish. You can change any area of your life and direct your destiny through the power of your thoughts, emotions and actions!

If given the choice and you knew it would happen in what areas of your life would you like to see a change? - We test and then review the best Subliminal Message products available on the web. Find out what really works!

. Read the review of the best Subliminal computer software we tested. We find out what works so you don’t have to!

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