Introducing Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Author David Green
- Published September 20, 2010
- Word count 988
Go back into your mind to the time that you first learned to walk. Did you just stand up and walk? Unlikely of course. You will have spent many months learning to crawl, then kneel and crawl on your knees until one day you were ready to take your first steps – and fall over! Did you give up or keep trying? Did you mother pick up and throw you into your cot disgustedly saying, "That’s it, you have had your chance to walk!" or did she encourage you to keep trying, daily providing you with the words and emotional stimulation to have another go? Did you keep trying, never giving up until you succeeded? Of course you did. Most of the entire time of learning to walk was not spent learning how to walk, move forward, turn left and right. The majority of your learning took place unconsciously as your mind learned from your body just how to get and stay balanced, how to co-ordinate each leg, arm and each muscle movement. It had to sort and remember each new lesson and filter it with each old one until a mental ‘map’ or ‘model’ of HOW TO walk had been created, remembered and programmed into every cell in your body.
Actually, the process was a phenomenal demonstration of you, a masterpiece being created on the blank canvas of your open mind; a sketch of to what could be achieved by you. With every movement and every thought came feedback from outside of and within your entire body, and with each one a new piece of the jigsaw of walking was pieced together in the coding of your brain. Amazing! And then you started the whole process all over again and learned to talk!
Each and every minute physiological, biological and neurological experience linked within your mind to generate an internal experience that we naturally and quite nonchalantly refer to as ‘walking’ and ‘talking’. Amazing, incredible, phenomenal and awe inspiring, if it were not for the fact that we take such feats for granted every single day of our lives. In so doing of course we miss the wonder of all that is you and I, the human form. We neglect to fully appreciate how our amazing brain that works so ably for and on behalf of us can also work so ably against our very success and happiness. When we feel good about ourselves and receive praise and encouragement we usually succeed and when we experience the reverse, most of us simply give up.
NLP shows us that we are natural learning organisms and that we already have everything we need to succeed and achieve our own unique level of personal and professional achievement in whatever area of life we decide to embark upon. What’s more, it provides some valuable practical tools to help us.
Your brain has the power to unfold the wonders of the universe before your very eyes just as it has the ability to introduce you to a living hell of fear, failure, regret, anger, frustration and resentment. How?
Each one of us, if you exclude the spiritual aspect for one moment, is nothing more or less than a complex biological, physiological and neurological organism that interacts within an equally complex environmental system (our environment) from moment to moment. Wow, now that was verbose! Let’s start again.
Speaking metaphorically for one moment, you and I are simply biological machines that exist in a system outside of our own being (the world). Who we are, what we think and do is the sum total of the way that we run our brain. Our thoughts and our behaviour are merely ways of expressing how we feel inside to the world outside of us. What creates those thoughts, feelings and actions? Are they caused by nature or by nurture? Is there really such a thing as free will, destiny and choice or are we merely acting out some pre-programmed function within the system or experience that we call "life"? Interestingly the answer to all of the above is both yes and no.
NLP is the magic dust that you can sprinkle on conscious to transform it into the most wonderful, exciting and fulfilling experience you could ever imagine.
Neuro Linguistic Programming shows us:
• How we communicate with ourselves and how that communication impacts our entire life
• How we communicate with others and how to improve the quality of that communication to get more of what we want from life
• How we make sense of our world and how the meaning that we give to life’s events and circumstances influences how we respond to them
• How to positively influence other people’s attitudes and responses
• How to set and achieve goals
• How to motivate and inspire others
• How to motivate and inspire ourselves
• How to overcome personal limitations, fears and phobias
• How to harness the power of our own mind to influence the outcomes that we experience in every aspect of our lives
• And a great deal more
In short, NLP is a user manual for the mind. If you use just some of the tools and apply a few of the techniques in your own life NLP will open up a world of possibility, personal satisfaction and enjoyment. What’s more you are going to use your brain anyway, so why not use it to your best advantage and discover precisely what NLP has to offer you?
NLP is the science of excellence that provides an amazing range of sensory-based tools that can help almost anyone to transform their thinking and their way of perceiving themselves and the world around them. On my website you can find out more and develop NLP skills. You will also find a range of opportunities including FREE mini-courses and NLP resources that work in the real world.
Copyright © and David Green 2010. All rights reserved.
David is an author, presenter and specialist in personal and professional development. For over 25 years he has trained, lectured and presented a wide range of mind science programmes including NLP courses and workshops. A popular success specialist David has worked with a host of government, corporate and institutional clients, including well known celebrities and thousands of private individuals on both sides of the Atlantic.
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