How to Lose Weight Quickly #1 – Why You Just Don’t Need Cardio

Health & FitnessExercise & Meditation

  • Author Matt Wiggins
  • Published February 12, 2011
  • Word count 825

When people come to me to learn how to lose weight quickly, they are usually pretty surprised to find out that I’m not a

huge fan of traditional ‘cardio’ – you know, that long, slow, boring, tedious stuff. Instead, I’d rather see you doing some

sort of intense circuit training.

(In case you didn’t know, circuit training is taking is a form of working out where you take different exercises and do them

back to back to back, all without rest. So, if you had 5 exercises, you’d do a set of the first one, then a set of the second

one, then a set of the third one, etc, all without resting between. Once you’d done a set of each exercise, take a short rest,

then repeat.)

But you might be wondering ‘why’? I mean, don’t you need to do cardio in order to build up your wind, have a strong

heart & lungs, decrease bodyfat, etc?

Nope. Not at all.

Here’s the deal – to accomplish all that stuff (which, by the way, is super important), you have to improve your

cardiovascular capabilities. And contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to do ‘cardio’ to do that – all you have to do is

breathe hard.

See, your body really has no idea what you’re doing. All it really knows is how hard it has to work, and in what kinda way

it has to do work.


Compare barbell squats to a leg press machine. There’s no little mechanism inside your body that triggers when you do

barbell squats to let you know that you’re doing squats, and to react differently to the squats than to when you do leg

presses. All your body knows, is that it has to exert force to move the weight.

Well, if barbell squats and a leg press machine make you exert force in pretty much the same way (i.e. – which muscles

you’re using, how you’re using them, etc), then why do so many people – me included – say that squats are so much

better than leg presses?

Because there are a ton of other processes involved that squats trigger your body into having to do that leg presses

don’t. Squats force you to support the weight on your shoulders, while leg presses don’t (the weight is on a machine).

Squats force you to balance, while the leg press doesn’t. Squats force you utilize much of the rest of the body for

stabilization, leg presses require you to just site down. Squats force you to move your body through air, vs moving a

machine that’s on a track.

See the difference? Squats force you to do a lot more stuff, even if you don’t realize it. Thus, squats are a ton more


Cardio is the same way. Your body doesn’t know if you’re running or on a bike or a rowing machine or doing circuit

training. None of those are ‘magic’ exercises that trigger your body into starting all the physiological processes that result

in improved cardio conditioning.

All you have to do is breathe harder – that’s all the body knows. When you’re breathing harder, you’re working harder.

When you’re working harder, you’re burning up more calories. And when you’re burning up more calories, you’re losing

more weight, and you’re doing it in a much quicker fashion.

So, it stands to reason that if you want to lose weight – and quickly – then improving your cardio is the path to get there.

However, like I said, though – doing traditional, long cardio just isn’t the best way of doing it. Circuit training makes you

breathe harder and is much more effective than boring cardio ever thought of being.

Besides, when you do intense circuit training, just like when doing squats, you end up having to do a bunch more stuff,

even if you don’t realize it. Stuff like:

-maintain balance and coordination on various different exercises

-be fast and explosive when you’re tired and not fully rested

-not only utilize all the muscles in your body (most of the time cardio focuses just on the lower body), but be able to do it

in an intense fashion

-go from being able to use one set of muscles to another set to another set to another set (this forces your individual

muscle groups to recover while your body as a whole is still working)

Then there’s the whole idea that you’re forcing yourself to be able to be strong, explosive, work a lot, etc., when you’re

tired and out of breath.

All of that is stuff that plain old cardio just doesn’t make you do.

See why circuit training is so much more effective, and why they’re the best way I know how to lose weight quickly?

For more info on how to lose weight quickly, then check out the FREE INFO How To Lose Weight Quickly website.

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Carlton Seek
Carlton Seek · 13 years ago
Despite the way it feels, losing weight isn't a mysterious process. It's a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. A lot of people try new crash diets and lose a few pounds but it's impossible to continue doing it for a longer duration and as soon as they stop they gain even more weight when they started out. First of don't trust all the big health and diet companies/magazines; they're only after your money, only a few of them are real. Because of all the media you see today about weight loss most people are misinformed, one source say one thing and another source says the opposite. First things first. Before you start a diet, I strongly recommend that you commit to making a lifestyle change. Many people who began a program simply just do whatever the program is... and that's it. Unfortunately, this is not going to work. The reason why is because you have to also ensure that you are exercising at least 3 times a week, drinking a lot of water, cleansing your body (detoxifying), getting plenty of sleep, etc. Second, eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibres, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low. Third, most people get caught up with the typical mindset that in order to lose weight, all they have to do is the "eat less move more" approach. My friend, please do not think that this is all that it's going to take to get in shape. I thought the same thing, and the only thing that ended up happening was my metabolism slowed down and I had a loss of energy! The best thing to do is to stop going on crazy crash diets and go the natural way so you can still enjoy what you're eating, say no to weight loss pills and say no to multimillion dollar companies that are trying to scam you with their latest myths. Stick to a simple diet plan that you can still enjoy and you will see results before you know it. You can also learn how you can lose your first 8 pounds in one week and discover The 5 foods that fight the Abdominal fat that has helped thousands of people including me to lose those extra pounds of the Abdominal fat. and you can also contact me on I’ll be more than happy out there to help

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