The Daily Habits of Successful ADHD Adults


  • Author Tess Messer
  • Published April 2, 2011
  • Word count 470

By adopting five simple life habits, adults with ADHD become more productive, easier to live with and happier.

People with ADHD who are successful have adopted habits that have enabled their success.

These habits are not difficult but they do not come naturally to those of us with ADHD. By adopting these five simple daily habits, people with ADHD can better live up to their potential.

Habit #1:

See Your Goals:

Think of what you want to accomplish. See it in your mind's eye. Make a list and prioritize it into high priority, medium priority, and low priority goals.

Set out to accomplish the high priority goals first and then continue with goals of lower priority. Throughout the day, revisit your goals in your mind and remind yourself to remain on task.

Habit #2:

Establish a Daily Schedule.

A schedule makes it far easier for those of us with ADHD to avoid procrastination and to use our time wisely. Make it a daily habit to wake up early, visualize your goals and how they will be accomplished, make your bed, take 5 minutes and pick up the house clutter, have Breakfast, take your vitamins, write a to-do list.

Habit #3:

Your thinking should be focused on productivity.

Harness your thinking and do not get stuck on circular thinking and thinking that is not relevant to the task at hand. Focus on productivity. Ask yourself, Am I on task? Is this activity necessary? Am I being efficient? Can I accomplish this faster by doing it differently? Am I remembering the big picture? Set a timer if a distraction is unavoidable and allow only a short time for the distraction.

Habit #4:

Reward Yourself:

Build rewards into your day. People with ADHD do better with continued reinforcement and rewards, Break your tasks down into smaller tasks and build rewards into your day for having accomplishing your small and large tasks. Give yourself a gift and allow yourself to view that funny video for 15 minutes, have a yummy cookie, add a large cappuccino after a accomplishing a large task.

Habit #5:

Be Accountable to Someone who cheers your successes:

Tell someone that you care about what you are trying to accomplish. It could be a family member, spouse, friend, or coach. Tell them what the big goals are. Ask them to hold you accountable for what you have set out to accomplish.

Keep these folks posted on your progress and on your successes. Sometimes a loved one or friend can provide valuable guidance on becoming more efficient and effective in your daily life.

Setting goals, establishing a daily routine, focusing our mind talk on productivity, rewarding ourselves for our accomplishments, and being accountable to love ones, are five habits that are easy enough to master and that are essential to the life success of those of us with ADHD.

Tess Messer has written over 200 articles on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Inattentive ADD and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT).

Would you like to learn a lot more about Inattentive ADHD and SCT? Go to: for more information on getting organized and for more general information visit:

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