Can Enlarged Prostate Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Health & FitnessCancer / Illness

  • Author Sony Eguabor
  • Published February 10, 2021
  • Word count 938

Old age comes with its goodies. It is normal for someone to get mature and to grow old. Naturally, as you mature in age, your cells/tissues/organs experience changes. Their functions will not be as when you are young. One of the changes in question is prostate enlargement. The by-product of the enlargement can cause erectile dysfunction?

This enlargement is natural for most men, and it leads to what is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This condition is a non-malignant disease, meaning it is not cancerous.

After being diagnosed with BPH, men are always worried about their sex life. Their thought is whether they will be able to perform well in bed again as before.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition where men find it difficult to maintain a stable erection before or during sex. The problem of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) often develops gradually.

Erectile dysfunction symptoms might include, difficulty having an erection, keeping an erection, and reduced sexual desire. In case you witness this kind of symptoms, please visit your doctor in time.

Enlarged Prostate and Erectile Dysfunction Relationship:-

`The relationship between BPH and ED are similarly related in the area of age. Both are conditions that impact men's life through age maturity. Though they are separate and distinct, they do have connections.

The majority of men with enlarged prostates (BPH) might have experienced erectile dysfunction sometimes. Ejaculatory problems might be associated with it. Similarly, men with BPH, coupled with lower urinary tract symptoms, might also be linked with erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is not directly caused by BPH, but the treatment of it with some specific drugs is responsible. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms are also associated with BPH. Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) occur with elderly men over the mature age of 50 that have BPH.

LUTS can manifest in men with BPH in form of nocturnal urination, frequent urination, urgency in urinating, and incomplete emptying of the bladder. Unfortunately, both BPH and erectile dysfunction increases with age.

Enlarged Prostate and Erectile Dysfunction Link:-

Maturity in age plays a major role when it comes to having an enlarged prostate (BPH) and erectile dysfunction (ED). Research studies were carried out on the similarity, differences, and the link between BPH and ED.

One of the most interesting clinical trials to me was the Male Cologne Survey, which involves 4,489 men. These men were aged between 30 and 80. The survey and the statistics reveal that a high percentage of men who had lower tract symptoms due to BPH also had erectile dysfunction.

In the Multinational Survey of the Ageing Male (MSAM-7), 14,000 men aged between 50 and 80 years were surveyed. The result findings of the Male Cologne Survey were compared with MSAM-7. Both studies confirmed high percentage of people with BPH associated with LUTS is linked with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

How Does BPH Treatment Cause ED?

There are two pharmacological classes of drugs used to treat BPH. They are: - Alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reeducates inhibitors

Alpha- blockers: These are drugs used mainly for the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension). It is also used in the treatment of enlargement of the prostate. (BPH)

These drugs lower high blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels. Thereby enhancing free blood flow in the circulatory system.

In the case of prostate enlargement, alpha-blockers function by, (1) relaxing the muscles of the bladder. (2) By also relaxing the muscle that surrounds your prostate gland so that you can pass urine more easily.

Alpha - blockers include alfuzosin, doxazocin, tamsulosin, and silodosin. This drug is useful in the treatment of BPH. What of the noted side effects like erectile dysfunction(ED), dry organism (retrograde ejaculation) calls for concern? The side effect of alpha-blocker can even lead to a decrease in the production of seminal fluids. I suggest medical practitioners let their patients know of the side effect before administering the drug to them.

5-alpha-reductase inhibitors: 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor is a category of drugs used in managing enlarged prostate BPH). Also useful in managing the male type of hair loss called (Androgenic alopecia). The two widely used drugs in this category are dutasteride and finasteride. These drugs are considered safe and effective for treating BPH, but what of the side effects?

The scare in using 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors for the treatment of BPH is the sexual problem it promotes. Both drugs used in treating BPH, especially the Alpha-blockers works by relaxing the muscles surrounding the prostate. Because of the drug action, the elasticity and the real function of the muscle cells/fibers are affected. This leads to chains of problems around the prostate area, which eventually ends up in erectile dysfunction(ED).

Surgery: This is another form of managing the treatment of the prostate. This type of surgery is called a Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP). The surgery is carried out in such a way that the inner portion of the prostate is removed. Later this can lead to retrograde ejaculation. Although retrograde ejaculation is not harmful, the problem is that semen fluid comes out of the bladder alongside urine.

When you have a derangement in the functionality of a system, it affects the end product of that system. TUIP, which can lead to retrograde ejaculation, might affect the male fertility hormone. If any of the male fertility hormones are disarranged, it affects the male organ to function properly.

Conclusion: Either the TUIP or Alpha- blockers or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors used for the treatment or managing BPH, all have sexual side effects. And it can lead to Erectile Dysfunction(ED). Therefore, it is mainly the treatment of prostate enlargement (BPH) that causes erectile dysfunction, and not the condition itself.

Sony Eguabor is a Medical Laboratory Scientist with specialty in Hematology and Blood Group Serology. With so many years of practicing experience behind him in various fields of medicine, the joy of writing on health tips now comes naturally. He is the author and administrator of the company

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