World Health Organization Tips on Protecting the Coronavirus

Health & FitnessCancer / Illness

  • Author Nadim Mia
  • Published July 22, 2021
  • Word count 540

Thousands of people are dying worldwide from the deadly coronavirus spread from China. Now the coronavirus has spread to almost all the countries of the world.

Coronavirus is a genetic disease whose symptoms include flu, cough, colds, sore throat, fever, headache, sneezing, and fatigue. In severe cases, the symptoms are - pneumonia, respiratory and diarrhea. And the end of all this is death.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has given tips on protecting against coronavirus.

Readers can protect themselves from the deadly virus by following the tips-

  1. Avoid traveling

Avoid traveling anywhere without an urgent need. And if you have flu-like symptoms (such as cough, fever, colds or sneezing), refrain from traveling as much as you need.

  1. Avoid populated areas

It is best to avoid populated areas to avoid transmission of this virus. The reason may be that - a person has no symptoms of coronavirus, but he is the germ of the disease. Because the virus does not appear within 5 days. So it is best to avoid crowded places. Because of this prevalence, the virus can infect you.

  1. Examine the blood when breathing

If you have flu symptoms and difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. Do a corona test as advised by a doctor.

  1. Keep the distance

Keep distance from people who have flu or cold symptoms. When talking to a person, maintain a distance of 1.5m to 2m.

  1. Keep your hands clean

Wash hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol handwash for at least 20 seconds.

  1. Maintain personal hygiene

Use disinfectants to clean your house, tables, toilets, computers, laptops, switches and stationery every day.

  1. Do not touch the eyes

When an infected person sneezes or coughs without a mask, the pathogens come out in the form of sores and spread to things like chairs or tables. When another person touches those things and touches his eyes, nose or mouth with that hand, the germs of the disease enter the body and infect him. Pathogens can survive for about 4 hours on things.

  1. Take special care of the elders

The immune system of the elderly is weak, which is why the World Health Organization has advised the elderly and family members to take special care. Because the coronavirus elderly people are dying more.

  1. Cover the mouth and nose

If you have flu-like symptoms and cough or sneezing frequently, always use a tissue and leave it immediately after use. And wash your hands in alcohol-based soap and running water.

  1. Do not touch the mask

If you are wearing a mask to cover your face and nose, do not touch it empty-handed once it is worn. After using the mask, safely remove it. Wash hands immediately.

  1. Avoid eating raw foods

Do not eat raw, low-cooked or semi-cooked foods. Eat properly cooked food. Eating meat should be avoided. If you touch raw meat or any part of a dead animal, wash your hands immediately.

  1. Do not spit wherever you are

In public, do not spit on the road. It can also be infected.

  1. Do not touch the animals

Do not touch the animals. Avoid going to farms or livestock markets or where livestock is harvested. Also, avoid contact with living animals who are sick. Can't touch, cuddle. You can't even stand by.

To get more information coronavirus tips, visit World Health Organization link-

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