The History of Jolly Old Saint Nick

Social IssuesCulture

  • Author Kimberly Squires
  • Published December 16, 2007
  • Word count 477

Santa Claus is known by many names around the world. He gets his name from Saint Nicholas, a Christian bishop from Myra that lived in the 4th century. Not much is known about Saint Nicholas other than that he traveled from Myra to Italy, Holland, Sweden, and Finland. He is also known to have been very helpful to people.

It is said that Saint Nicholas was the son of wealthy parents who died while Nicholas was young. Nicholas was raised a Christian and believed he should use his inheritance to help those that were less fortunate than himself.

Probably the most famous story about Saint Nicholas involves a very poor family that had three daughters, but couldn’t afford to provide a dowry, which would secure marriage for the three girls. Saint Nicholas, knowing of the situation, threw three bags of gold through the open window during the night ensuring the maidens could marry. There are many versions of this basic story and it is one of the most well-known of events attributed to him.

The story of Saint Nicholas as Santa Claus originates as early as the eleventh century in Northern Europe. Throughout much of Northern Europe, Saint Nicholas would deliver presents to children on December 6 of each year. December 6 marked the day of Saint Nicholas’ death in 343. Much like Santa today, he delivered the gifts by coming down the chimney.

Saint Nicholas made an excellent choice for the person to deliver the gifts since he was known as the patron saint of children. He is also thought to have been a champion of the poor and to be a very generous individual.

So, how did Saint Nicholas become known as Santa Claus. Well, the Dutch called Saint Nicholas Sinterklaas. When they arrived in America and settled, the name Sinterklaas was transliterated into Santa Claus and the customs of Northern Europe quickly spread throughout America. Saint Nicholas is often considered the Patron Saint for New York.

The original Saint Nicholas in America was a jolly elf that smoked a clay pipe. One of the customs started in America was the placing of gifts in stockings hung by the fireplace. Interestingly, "‘The Night Before Christmas" was originally entitled "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and was written in 1823.

As the years have gone on, Saint Nicholas has come to be known as Santa Claus and his persona has changed as well. Saint Nicholas went from being a pipe-smoking elf to a jolly, big-bellied old man with a white beard. Interestingly, Coca Cola helped to popularize Santa Claus with a long running ad campaign centered around Santa.

Regardless, children the year round have Saint Nicholas to thank for the excitement that is Santa Claus. And now hopefully you know a bit more about the origin of Jolly Old Saint Nick. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Kimberly Squires is a mother of two and a big fan of Christmas in general and Santa Claus in particular. To find out more about Santa Claus including how to get a personalized letter from Santa for your kids, nieces and nephews, or grandchildren, visit her Santa Claus website.

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