Law of Attraction , Subconscious Mind Power and Manifesting Your Desires


  • Author Leon Edward
  • Published December 15, 2007
  • Word count 915

Control your life, start with controlling your thoughts and your subconscious mind and

absolutely manifest your wildest desires.  There is a catch. We

may even be attracting into our lives the things we don't want. Learn

the mistakes that you can avoid and exact techniques to attain your

desires in record speed. The irresistible, natural law of attraction

works perfectly every time, only our ability to clearly use this law

and the pitfalls described can be counter productive.

Quantum physics has shown all matter is simply a certain vibrating rate

of energy. All energies will gravitate to other energies of the same or

similar vibrating energy rates. Our thoughts and beliefs also vibrate

at certain frequencies and energy levels. Thoughts of ours as

having  their own vibrational frequency not only attract into our

lives similar vibrations from people, events, ideas, even

financial  status and opportunity but they also imprint our

subconscious mind blueprint. So you can see that we really need to be

sending the right signals or else even our subconscious mind can in

actuality be working against us!  This way, we can attract more of

the same vibrational level thoughts of the people, circumstances, 

things, events  that  are in sync with our own desires.

Whatever you focus your intentions on, you will attract into your life.

What? You may say, - No way did I  attract this mess into my life!

  • . Well , in fact maybe you did, by mistake. Here is an important key

in the law

of attraction. Whenever you focus on something you do not

want,  you start the vibratory patterns of yours that attract the

very thing you are trying to avoid. Very simply stated, if you focus on

what you want , you will get it but if you focus on what you do not

want, you will get it too.

People , as I once did, can get focused on something negative. As

examples; maybe its bills, maybe it is a bad habit, lack of a partner ,

etc. By focusing your attention to it , even trying to rid it; you are

attracting the very thing you want to get rid of!  Instead, in

order to receive our desires into our lives, we need to allow 

them. For example, instead of focusing on  - not being broke all

the time - , just relax and allow riches into your life.  Another

example would be instead of focusing on not having a loving

relationship,  be happy,  content  and be a joy to be

around  - send out positive vibrations of how great it is to be in

a loving relationship. You will have a circumstance where you will

attract another person will similar thought patterns. So focus on your

desires. Let this be your overriding mindset.

A technique to keep focused on your desires and manifest them quickly

is visualize these desires as if you had them now, in the present and

feel the emotional state that they bring you. Focus on the benefits

whether they be personal , materialistic, effecting others, achieving

goals or other desires. The best time to practice this visualization is

early morning and late at night before sleep. Both times are best but

if you only can spend one fifteen to twenty minute session or so , make

it early in the morning.. Creating a desire manual or scrapbook if you

will, made up up pictures of your own desires whether they be

relationships, travel, new sportscars, homes, diamonds,

donations,  or other. Whatever it is focus on these each day. What

emotional state will you have when  each of these is manifested.

Imagine exactly how that feels. If you felt that way in an earlier

portion of your life, use that memory to get that feeling again. The

stronger the emotion  the better. Also, your certainty of you

attaining the desires plus your belief that you will, should both be

strong. This way you will attain your desires the quickest.

As mentioned, an important point in achieving your desires is that

you  must believe what you desire .

The strongest, fastest way to manifesting your desires is to believe as

if you already had your desire.

This is not always easily for many . However, if instead of saying you

have these desires, just change your thinking to an intention. Here is

an example . Instead of the following statement.

I have a 70  foot luxury yacht. Use this next statement for better


I choose to have a 70 foot luxury yacht . Or even better,

It is my intention to easily own a  70 foot luxury yacht.

You may have noticed that I did not mention a time constraint. I know

many successful  people have used a milestone date in the future

where you will attain your desire . I have myself in the past

successfully. However, with programming the subconscious setting

milestones can even be detrimental . I mean this in a way that your

subconscious might work faster than you even thought possible. And get

this. It may multiply your desires to limits that you did not think

possible.  So whatever you do when you plan the desires you will

attain, set no limits and ALWAYS pledge to meet your desires in an

ethical manner that will benefit you and others in the best way

possible to add value to peoples lives. By repeatedly practicing these

steps, you will get a stronger belief and certainty and such control

your life, start with controlling your thoughts and your mind and

absolutely manifest your wildest desires.  

Leon Edward 's intention is help people awaken their inner potential, subconscious mind power and to make people aware of the unlimited power they were given at birth. He helps people achieve goals and dreams through understanding and following the universal laws, subconscious programming, hypnosis, law of attraction and mind power.

Learn more at his website

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Article comments

Law Of Attraction
Law Of Attraction · 17 years ago
Interestingly, I have never thought of changing my thinking into an intention. This is a point which is not mentioned in other Law Of Attraction sites.

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