Should Christians Work From Home? Part 2

Social IssuesReligion

  • Author Marc Rosenbaum
  • Published January 5, 2008
  • Word count 1,112

The following is part 2 in a series of 2. I you haven't read part 1, then please find it and read it will make alot more sense.

Products: If you don't have a good product, you won't last long. If you don't believe it, then neither will the people you are trying to sell it to. Look for a product that is highly sought after, a unique collection or recipe, and a great value. The product should be able to stand on it's own without a business opportunity to prop it up. ** The right product will sell itself, and greatly reduce the need for the following building blocks.**

Team support/training: Every successful company has unique points to bring to the marketplace, and even the most savvy salesman will need to be educated on the special features and benefits of a new program. Look for personal training that is available from your sponsor, AND training through a self-guided training site, team calls, live training events and live webcasts. This phase needs to be simple enough for a novice to understand and duplicate. This is where a training website is so valuable. People can go there anytime to sharpen a specific skill. You are probably going to end up doing some training for new people yourself, so it must be duplicable.

Marketing: So, now you are trained on your product and business opportunity. Now you've got to make some sales. Marketing is the fuel that makes your business engine run. No marketing, no sales, no go. There are many different ways to effectively market. Look for a system that is all set up to go when you plug yourself in. There will be a learning curve here, and you can spend a lot or a little on your education. Follow the leaders. Your leader should be willing to share EVERYTHING they know about marketing. There is no way for 1 person to control the whole market, they will profit from your efforts, and there is plenty of success pie to go around.

Talent: Probably the least important factor, talent is your ability to execute. You will need to be able to run your computer. You will need to be able to read and speak clearly. That's about it, and anybody can improve on whatever talent they have got. Don't worry about it, because you just have to be you sharing your great product. If you can communicate how much you like pizza, then you can do the same with your product and opportunity.

Patience, coachability: There is going to be a learning curve. It is often frustrating, and sometimes maddening, especially dealing with electronics and other man made components. You are going to have to give yourself permission to stumble. You're going to have to tell yourself to be patient. Just chalk it up to pruning your tree to produce the fruits of the Spirit. You will most likely need some help, and you are going to have to ask for it. Your sponsor is going to be really busy helping people, so get yourself in line. Then be calm, patient, kind, and above all teachable. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and don't be afraid to receive advice. A combination of perseverance and patience will put you in front of the pack, because most people today want a microwave business that you just pop in the oven for 2 minutes and out comes an Alaskan cruise. This is not a get rich quick scheme, so settle down and do the hard work that it takes to get going. Once you are going, then you will find that you are being grossly overpaid for the amount of time that you put in.

Money: Every business has a price tag. If it's free, then you will get what you paid for. Naturally, you have to stay within your comfort zone to get started, however you may have to adjust your comfort zone a bit to own the best business for you. That all depends on which business you buy into. A franchise restaurant will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to start. Some of the best opportunities on the net cost less than $1,000, or less than $300. After (or during) your training, you will need to spend some money on marketing. There is a lot of free marketing available, but this type of marketing requires a lot of time to operate. There are more expensive types of marketing, but they require far less time. You have more of one than the other. Find your own place, get some guidance, and fuel your machine.

Faith: I saved the best for last. Faith is the highest achievement of mankind. It is sad how few of us actually exercise it. Faith is an action word and a noun. If you have any, remember that it is not your's. It is a gift from your Saviour. Yahweh has an endless supply of goodness and power, comfort and strength, love and patience. These traits are available to the believer, and make powerful additions to your business. You've got to remember to daily ask for these things, and then use them to serve others. Faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness.

So, what's the final answer? Is there a place for Christians in the home business world? Absolutely. If more Christians were working from home, then more homes would stay intact. More successful Christians equals more investment in the Kingdom. Christians with financial freedom and time freedom are an available force for the doing of good in this world. Wealthy believers can feed and clothe more orphans and widows, and thus fulfill the law of love. The world needs more successful Christian home business entrepreneurs. Period.

If you are just beginning your journey, then save yourself some heartache, time and shekels, and take my advice. I have already gone through the school of hard knocks on the internet, and I seek to make your road a smoother one. After several attempts at MLM companies, I have personally settled in to one very exciting networking business. This is a company dedicated to the rapid elimination of your home mortgage or commercial mortgage. We have proprietary software that guides you to payoff your 30 year mortgage in 8-12 years. This program is setting thousands of people free, and will personally be saving my family over $116,000 AND 18 years of payments, all without adjusting my monthly payments. There may be other great opportunities out there, but I am done looking. These two meet all my criteria for a legal, moral, and highly profitable home business. Whatever you decide to do, I bid you Godspeed and God Bless.

Marc Rosenbaum lives in Colorado, and is on a mission to get you out of debt. It is time to take control of your finances. Start now!

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