Obama’s Education Opinion is the Right Stuff

News & SocietyPolitics

  • Author Stephen Jones
  • Published March 3, 2008
  • Word count 611

Springfield, PA – Dr. Stephen Jones says there is a national education crisis and Barack Obama has the right stuff to solve it. Barack Obama used a recent speech in Virginia as an opportunity to state that testing alone is not the solution for improving K12 student performance. The countries financial investments should support better K12 teaching not testing. In his opinion we are attacking the education system which we should be trying to bolster. Obama said too much time is spent preparing students for No Child Left Behind testing. The results of these failed policies are putting a strangle hold on education. Student’s minds are no longer nourished by the knowledge that teachers impart. How can a teacher focus on course content when their schools very existence hinges on testing scores? Obama says we need to make a greater investment in changing education.

He also stated that teachers should be paid higher salaries. The teaching profession has lost its glimmer because our country is not investing in K12 education. Obama’s opinion in this area shows that he is looking at the future. Within the next ten years a massive number of teachers will retire. It will be difficult to replace them if teachers cannot make a living wage. These potential teachers will go into other professions. Teachers want to work in a country where they do not have to struggle due to financial obligations after college.

Our country needs new leadership to effectively craft teacher and student friendly education policy. Obama is striking the right cord with many educators who are in higher education. He has taken his campaign to college campuses around the country. He is demonstrating how much he values the opportunity to be educated. Obama’s family could not afford to send him to the most expensive K12 schools but he still learned the value of education. He wants to open the doors for many United States citizens who feel that the doors of higher education will never open for them.

Obama is demonstrating the true qualities of a leader. His history of serving as a volunteer in his community has put him in touch with the education gap that is like the Grand Canyon in many of our nation’s inner cities. His thirst for change in the way that we educate our nation’s youth is a fresh breath of air. Obama has an opinion that United States citizens are uniting around.

The country needs to remain competitive in the global markets of the world. Obama says that if our current lack of investment in education continues we will not compete with the rest of the world. Based on a recent assessment the United States ranks twenty-ninth in math and science knowledge. The country is losing its place as a world leader. All of the other countries around the world are increasing their investment in education. The United States continues to flounder at implementing strategic education policy. The country needs a plan that positions our workers to be the most educated workforce in the world.

Based on the response of voters around the country they are looking for a leader who will stand up and speak out on education. Obama has the right stuff because he knows the boundaries that a limited education can cast on a child’s entire life. When a young person desires to learn is extinguished in the forth grade they will never recover. Obama has the attitude and motivation of a Presidential candidate that wants education to take its rightful place in our society. Dr Stephen Jones is a national education consultant who can be contacted at 610-842-3843.

Dr. Stephen Jones is an outstanding educator who has spent his career helping students to succeed in college. Dr. Jones He is the author of two books titled "Seven Secrets of How to Study and the Parent’s Ultimate Education Guide." Dr. Jones has a website at http://www.sevenbooks.net

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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