Why Teenager Start Smoking

FamilyKids & Teens

  • Author Nick Clipton
  • Published November 14, 2008
  • Word count 465

As a parent, you will be very worried to hear that your teenage children have begun to smoke cigarettes and even worse have become addicted to nicotine. Knowing that Smoking can ruin the chances of young people's life, the percentage of people who have died from overdose has higher in high schools among teens and younger. You would definitely want to discover some way with which to help your teenager to stop smoking.

First you have to find out why teenagers start smoking: Below is a list of possible reasons

• Peer Pressure: The teenage years are one of the most challenging times in any one's life. So many times kids just want to fit in and be accepted. This pressure may make them make bad choices, like smoking!

• Movies: Smoking is usually depicted in the movies as being cool.

• Parents: Children learn from mom and dad. Don't be one of those parents who practice "do as I say not as I do".

The worst thing you can do to encourage your teen to stop smoking is to yell, scream, or demoralize your child. This will have the opposite effect of what you want. Teens already have a problem thinking that their parents do not understand them and if you go nuts when you find out the problem, in the mind of your child this will only solidify that you do not understand them or their position.

This is not to say that punishment will not be necessary, particularly if you have clearly stated that smoking is not acceptable behavior in your home, but if you want your child to successfully stop smoking, punish with love and respect.

The first thing you need to do is talk to your child about the reasons to stop smoking. It can be difficult for teens to recognize that all of the terrible effects they have heard about smoking can actually happen to them. You may want to have them talk to a smoker that you know, one who perhaps has some of these health problems, about the long-term effects. Remember, teens live in the now and they have a hard time thinking about the future. Right now, it is cool to smoke and they might not care about the future risks. It is your responsibility as a parent to convince your teen that they need to stop smoking for their own health. That is one easy to do.

The most important thing you can do to help your child stop smoking is to be consistent and loving! Even though you are angry or embarrassed, if you are committed to helping them quit, you must be loving! Give support and be there to pick them up when they fail. This is the best way to help your child stop smoking!

If possible guide your child for some good website, which provide perfect information on how to quite smoking

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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