How to Activate Subconscious Mind Power Driven by the Laws of Vibration and Attraction


  • Author Leon Edward
  • Published January 23, 2009
  • Word count 3,548

The Subconscious mind is driven by working in conjunction with the laws

of vibration and attraction . It's been long professed that once

mastered, you will live a life of prosperity, obtaining all we wish

for. Let's get a deeper understanding what these laws mean and the role

of the subconscious mind with steps to make this all happen.

Law of Vibration - What does it mean?

Whether one believes it or not, the law of vibration is right here in

our midst. It works and it works all the time. While it may be

difficult for some people to grasp the principles regarding the law of

vibration, for others it's perfectly easy.

The Law of Vibration refers to everything being a form of energy and

that the entire universe is made up of energy. Studying a particle

through a microscope will show molecules are visible which are in

constant motion. If you take it a little further and explore within the

molecules, atoms become visible which in turn have a proton constantly

being circled by an electron and this is in fact, vibration in action.

So, as we know that all things are made up of atoms, we also know that

all things are vibrating, albeit at different frequencies although it

is only when vibrations occur within the human range, that we can see

or feel them.

Whether you believe we were created by God or not, whatever or whoever

created us must also vibrate. Taking into consideration that we are the

result of this creation, and that we're made up of molecules, we in

fact also consist of energy and as with everything else, we also

vibrate. Thoughts, sounds, light and in fact anything that has to do

with us also vibrates. Now, if we take all this into consideration, it

should essentially be possible to synchronize our vibrations with the

vibrations of the universe and therefore, providing we do this, it

should be possible to connect with those things to which our vibrations

are pointing to. Of coThe Subconscious mind is driven by working in

conjunction with the laws of vibration and attraction . It's been long

professed that once mastered, you will live a life of prosperity,

obtaining all we wish forThe Subconscious mind is driven by working in

conjunction with the laws of vibration and attraction . It's been long

professed that once mastered, you will live a life of prosperity,

obtaining all we wish for. Let's get a deeper understanding what these

laws mean and the role of the subconscious mind with steps to make this

all happen.

Law of Vibration - What does it mean?

Whether one believes it or not, the law of vibration is right here in

our midst. It works and it works all the time. While it may be

difficult for some people to grasp the principles regarding the law of

vibration, for others it's perfectly easy.

The Law of Vibration refers to everything being a form of energy and

that the entire universe is made up of energy. Studying a particle

through a microscope will show molecules are visible which are in

constant motion. If you take it a little further and explore within the

molecules, atoms become visible which in turn have a proton constantly

being circled by an electron and this is in fact, vibration in action.

So, as we know that all things are made up of atoms, we also know that

all things are vibrating, albeit at different frequencies although it

is only when vibrations occur within the human range, that we can see

or feel them.

Whether you believe we were created by God or not, whatever or whoever

created us must also vibrate. Taking into consideration that we are the

result of this creation, and that we're made up of molecules, we in

fact also consist of energy and as with everything else, we also

vibrate. Thoughts, sounds, light and in fact anything that has to do

with us also vibrates. Now, if we take all this into consideration, it

should essentially be possible to synchronize our vibrations with the

vibrations of the universe and therefore, providing we do this, it

should be possible to connect with those things to which our vibrations

are pointing to. Of course for this to work, the thoughts of both our

conscious and subconscious minds must be in alignment with the

vibrations of the universe. It is for this exact reason that we need to

be aware of our conscious and subconscious thoughts.

Law of Attraction

As with the Law of Vibration, we are also have the Law of Attraction

and just as with the Law of Vibration, the Law of Attraction is also a

law concerning the entire universe. In essence, the Law of Attraction

explains that for every action, there is a reaction. In other words,

there is an effect as well as a cause for everything we do. By applying

this Law of Attraction, it is possible to have anything we want purely

by thinking of it. However, in order for this to work, we need to

condition the thoughts within our subconscious mind in order for them

to attract that which we are wanting to attract. If the subconscious

mind does not wish for a particular thing that we are wanting, we

simply will not get it.

While we are able to control the Law of Attraction to some extent, we

should also acknowledge that it is a law which exists apart from you.

The only way to have some degree of control over this law is through

our vibrations and our thoughts. In other words, we need to focus on

conditioning our subconscious mind in such a way that it vibrates in

harmony with the vibrations of the universe, thus allowing us to have

whatever we wish for, simply by thinking about it.

The Role of the Subconscious Mind

Okay, so now we are aware of the two laws which are able to work in

conjunction with the subconscious mind. We also know that if we enable

this to happen, we can live a life of prosperity, obtaining all that we

wish for. However, simply knowing about this is not enough because we

also need to understand the role of our subconscious mind, which in

turn will lay the foundation for being able to control it.

Many people tend to confuse the brain with the mind so let's make this

clear. The brain is not the mind. In fact, it is the mind which uses

the brain to conduct certain functions.

On one hand, our conscious mind is employed to receive and interpret

sensory input from the five human senses by using our brain. Once our

conscious mind has completed this task, it forwards the information to

the subconscious mind where it will in turn be analyzed and processed

in such a way that they will have specific effects on one's body or on

the way that one does something.

In order to take advantage of the two laws we discussed and get

something you want, you simply need to set the process in motion by

focusing your thoughts on that which you want. Your conscious mind will

accept the input and relay it to your subconscious mind.

Amazingly enough, unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind

never sleeps and it never switches off, hence the reason why people

dream at night. In fact, a dream is really a result of some kind, which

is being delivered to you from your subconscious. Another form of

delivery takes the form of you receiving something which you have been


Obviously, in order for you to get what you want, it is fundamental

that your subconscious mind is vibrating in alignment with the

vibrations of the universe and for this to happen successfully, the

programming of your subconscious must also be in total alignment. If

this is not the case, you will not get what you've been wanting. Your

thoughts have to vibrate in accordance with your wishes and in so

doing, you as a person will find yourself in perfect alignment with the


So, let's just look at this one last time. In order for you to live a

prosperous life and have all that you desire, you need to understand

the Law of Vibration. You also need to understand the Law of Attraction

and lastly, you need to understand exactly how the subconscious mind

works. In simple terms, this entire concept works simply by you

providing input to your conscious mind where it will in turn be

interpreted, and then forwarded to the subconscious mind where it will

be processed. If for some reason the programming in your subconscious

is not in agreement with the recently received thoughts, suitable

vibrations will fail to materialize thus not being able to align with

the vibrations of the universe. This of course will result in you not

getting what you want.

Yes you can have anything you want but before that can happen, you need

to make sure your subconscious mind is in a suitable condition and able

to vibrate in alignment with the vibrations of the universe. If you

have not yet accomplished this state of mind, it's inevitable that you

make certain lifestyle changes with regards to your current mindset.

 . Let's get a deeper understanding what these laws mean and

the role of the subconscious mind with steps to make this all happen.

Law of Vibration - What does it mean?

Whether one believes it or not, the law of vibration is right here in

our midst. It works and it works all the time. While it may be

difficult for some people to grasp the principles regarding the law of

vibration, for others it's perfectly easy.

The Law of Vibration refers to everything being a form of energy and

that the entire universe is made up of energy. Studying a particle

through a microscope will show molecules are visible which are in

constant motion. If you take it a little further and explore within the

molecules, atoms become visible which in turn have a proton constantly

being circled by an electron and this is in fact, vibration in action.

So, as we know that all things are made up of atoms, we also know that

all things are vibrating, albeit at different frequencies although it

is only when vibrations occur within the human range, that we can see

or feel them.

Whether you believe we were created by God or not, whatever or whoever

created us must also vibrate. Taking into consideration that we are the

result of this creation, and that we're made up of molecules, we in

fact also consist of energy and as with everything else, we also

vibrate. Thoughts, sounds, light and in fact anything that has to do

with us also vibrates. Now, if we take all this into consideration, it

should essentially be possible to synchronize our vibrations with the

vibrations of the universe and therefore, providing we do this, it

should be possible to connect with those things to which our vibrations

are pointing to. Of course for this to work, the thoughts of both our

conscious and subconscious minds must be in alignment with the

vibrations of the universe. It is for this exact reason that we need to

be aware of our conscious and subconscious thoughts.

Law of Attraction

As with the Law of Vibration, we are also have the Law of Attraction

and just as with the Law of Vibration, the Law of Attraction is also a

law concerning the entire universe. In essence, the Law of Attraction

explains that for every action, there is a reaction. In other words,

there is an effect as well as a cause for everything we do. By applying

this Law of Attraction, it is possible to have anything we want purely

by thinking of it. However, in order for this to work, we need to

condition the thoughts within our subconscious mind in order for them

to attract that which we are wanting to attract. If the subconscious

mind does not wish for a particular thing that we are wanting, we

simply will not get it.

While we are able to control the Law of Attraction to some extent, we

should also acknowledge that it is a law which exists apart from you.

The only way to have some degree of control over this law is through

our vibrations and our thoughts. In other words, we need to focus on

conditioning our subconscious mind in such a way that it vibrates in

harmony with the vibrations of the universe, thus allowing us to have

whatever we wish for, simply by thinking about it.

The Role of the Subconscious Mind

Okay, so now we are aware of the two laws which are able to work in

conjunction with the subconscious mind. We also know that if we enable

this to happen, we can live a life of prosperity, obtaining all that we

wish for. However, simply knowing about this is not enough because we

also need to understand the role of our subconscious mind, which in

turn will lay the foundation for being able to control it.

Many people tend to confuse the brain with the mind so let's make this

clear. The brain is not the mind. In fact, it is the mind which uses

the brain to conduct certain functions.

On one hand, our conscious mind is employed to receive and interpret

sensory input from the five human senses by using our brain. Once our

conscious mind has completed this task, it forwards the information to

the subconscious mind where it will in turn be analyzed and processed

in such a way that they will have specific effects on one's body or on

the way that one does something.

In order to take advantage of the two laws we discussed and get

something you want, you simply need to set the process in motion by

focusing your thoughts on that which you want. Your conscious mind will

accept the input and relay it to your subconscious mind.

Amazingly enough, unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind

never sleeps and it never switches off, hence the reason why people

dream at night. In fact, a dream is really a result of some kind, which

is being delivered to you from your subconscious. Another form of

delivery takes the form of you receiving something which you have been


Obviously, in order for you to get what you want, it is fundamental

that your subconscious mind is vibrating in alignment with the

vibrations of the universe and for this to happen successfully, the

programming of your subconscious must also be in total alignment. If

this is not the case, you will not get what you've been wanting. Your

thoughts have to vibrate in accordance with your wishes and in so

doing, you as a person will find yourself in perfect alignment with the


So, let's just look at this one last time. In order for you to live a

prosperous life and have all that you desire, you need to understand

the Law of Vibration. You also need to understand the Law of Attraction

and lastly, you need to understand exactly how the subconscious mind

works. In simple terms, this entire concept works simply by you

providing input to your conscious mind where it will in turn be

interpreted, and then forwarded to the subconscious mind where it will

be processed. If for some reason the programming in your subconscious

is not in agreement with the recently received thoughts, suitable

vibrations will fail to materialize thus not being able to align with

the vibrations of the universe. This of course will result in you not

getting what you want.

Yes you can have anything you want but before that can happen, you need

to make sure your subconscious mind is in a suitable condition and able

to vibrate in alignment with the vibrations of the universe. If you

have not yet accomplished this state of mind, it's inevitable that you

make certain lifestyle changes with regards to your current mindset.

 urse for this to work, the thoughts of both our conscious and

subconscious minds must be in alignment with the vibrations of the

universe. It is for this exact reason that we need to be aware of our

conscious and subconscious thoughts.

Law of Attraction

As with the Law of Vibration, we are also have the Law

of Attraction and just as with the Law of Vibration, the Law

of Attraction is also a law concerning the entire universe. In essence,

the Law of Attraction explains that for every action, there is a

reaction. In other words, there is an effect as well as a cause for

everything we do. By applying this Law of Attraction, it is possible to

have anything we want purely by thinking of it. However, in order for

this to work, we need to condition the thoughts within our subconscious

mind in order for them to attract that which we are wanting to attract.

If the subconscious mind does not wish for a particular thing that we

are wanting, we simply will not get it.

While we are able to control the Law of Attraction to some extent, we

should also acknowledge that it is a law which exists apart from you.

The only way to have some degree of control over this law is through

our vibrations and our thoughts. In other words, we need to focus on

conditioning our subconscious mind in such a way that it vibrates in

harmony with the vibrations of the universe, thus allowing us to have

whatever we wish for, simply by thinking about it.

The Role of the Subconscious Mind

Okay, so now we are aware of the two laws which are able to work in

conjunction with the subconscious mind. We also know that if we enable

this to happen, we can live a life of prosperity, obtaining all that we

wish for. However, simply knowing about this is not enough because we

also need to understand the role of our subconscious mind, which in

turn will lay the foundation for being able to control it.

Many people tend to confuse the brain with the mind so let's make this

clear. The brain is not the mind. In fact, it is the mind which uses

the brain to conduct certain functions.

On one hand, our conscious mind is employed to receive and interpret

sensory input from the five human senses by using our brain. Once our

conscious mind has completed this task, it forwards the information to

the subconscious mind where it will in turn be analyzed and processed

in such a way that they will have specific effects on one's body or on

the way that one does something.

In order to take advantage of the two laws we discussed and get

something you want, you simply need to set the process in motion by

focusing your thoughts on that which you want. Your conscious mind will

accept the input and relay it to your subconscious mind.

Amazingly enough, unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind

never sleeps and it never switches off, hence the reason why people

dream at night. In fact, a dream is really a result of some kind, which

is being delivered to you from your subconscious. Another form of

delivery takes the form of you receiving something which you have been


Obviously, in order for you to get what you want, it is fundamental

that your subconscious mind is vibrating in alignment with the

vibrations of the universe and for this to happen successfully, the

programming of your subconscious must also be in total alignment. If

this is not the case, you will not get what you've been wanting. Your

thoughts have to vibrate in accordance with your wishes and in so

doing, you as a person will find yourself in perfect alignment with the


So, let's just look at this one last time. In order for you to live a

prosperous life and have all that you desire, you need to understand

the Law

of Vibration. You also need to understand the Law of

Attraction and lastly, you need to understand exactly how the

subconscious mind works. In simple terms, this entire concept works

simply by you providing input to your conscious mind where it will in

turn be interpreted, and then forwarded to the subconscious mind where

it will be processed. If for some reason the programming in your

subconscious is not in agreement with the recently received thoughts,

suitable vibrations will fail to materialize thus not being able to

align with the vibrations of the universe. This of course will result

in you not getting what you want.

Yes you can have anything you want but before that can happen, you need

to make sure your subconscious mind is in a suitable condition and able

to vibrate in alignment with the vibrations of the universe. If you

have not yet accomplished this state of mind, it's inevitable that you

make certain lifestyle changes with regards to your current mindset

Leon Edward helps others learn how to understand , program and listen to their subconscious at where you can download free Alpha State MP3 for your mind.

Listen and learn subconscious mind programming at another of Leons websites ,

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