Moves to Disqualify Obama as President
- Author Aurelia Masterson
- Published July 25, 2009
- Word count 1,368
Executive Summary – There have been issues regarding where Obama was born. When asked Obama says he was born in Hawaii but cites two different hospitals. He presents a certificate of live birth form which is not an actual birth certificate signed by a doctor from the hospital where the birth took place. This is some document that one was able to obtain in Hawaii as sort of an after the fact birth document. It does not necessarily mean that the person was born there. The one that Obama presented has no mention of any other former name, which is in great conflict with his other records.
Hawaii became a state in 1959 and these certificates were available to document islanders and others who were in Hawaii without documents so they could get into the system and pay taxes, go to schools, healthcare, passports etc. Hawaii was in transition and things regarding records were sloppy for some years after their statehood. Obama’s grandmother says she attended his birth in Kenya. The Kenyan government claims they have the birthing records of Obama and the birthing delivery records of his mother. They did however seal these records due to the election.
Perhaps when they released these records they were zealous and proud of a Kenyan Becoming president of the USA and also ignorant of the prohibitions against a naturalized citizen becoming president. One must be a natural born citizen, not naturalized. After they let the cat out of the bag they probably got under severe pressure to shut it down so they sealed the records. People have been filing lawsuits to get Obama to release his birth records. The courts generally throw the cases out of court. There are some cases on appeal to the Supreme Court and other cases still pending. It is most odd that as the President of the USA he will not release his birth records.
Latest Smoking Gun – A group called Americans for Freedom of Information has released copies of Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College. This was pursuant to a suit brought by the group in California. The transcript shows that Obama (Barry Sotero) got a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Scholarship program. To get this a person must have a non-USA citizenship. This is the smoking gun according to many showing Obama is not qualified to the President of the USA by reason of birth.
When this exploded Obama was in London meeting with Brown, and refused comment. Britain Daily Mail Newspaper (a big one) carried this story on their front page. Of course if Obama lied in writing on official college financial documents this too is a grave matter unbecoming for a President. It also appears that Obama is not a natural born citizen and thus not eligible to be President. This should not make Biden the President but should result in a new election. Biden was elected on a ticket with Obama who was ineligible to serve thus negating the election. People voted for an ineligible candidate thus there was election fraud.
This gives Hillary another shot at the office as well as Ron Paul. Interesting. Maybe this will wake the people up enough to depart from the republicans and democrats altogether but I doubt it. It also could nullify any bill that Congress passed that Obama signed into law. Thus the entire economic stimulus package would be illegal. Most of it has not gone into effect anyway. Another consideration is that Obama will have to be brought to trial on criminal charges – election fraud, perjury amongst others.
Criminal cases are public record. Obama may be mad if he gets kicked out of office even though he may have done these things. He could start giving all sorts of interesting testimony on the witness stand implicating many others in his election fraud including his financial backers. In the event Obama gets the boot the media will do their thing, block out any libertarian candidate and put another stooge for the banks into office. It would be fun to see Obama get booted but I am not expecting much change with or without him unless the states secede.
The US Supreme Court – They have decided to hear arguments concerning Obama's eligibility. This is based on a lawsuit filed by a Leo Donofrio. They did not give a date. One would think if they really cared they would hear this in a few days so an ineligible President does not start a nuclear war or declare martial law. So it looks like they are trying to find an answer acceptable to them and the people who put this junior senator into office. The country may need to brace for street demonstrations from people who supported Obama. They also need to get ready to put an interim government in place while a new election is held to preserve order.
So the act of delay can have several interpretations, some indicating Obama is as good as gone; others can say that they may keep trying to keep the cat in the bag. Of course the most make sense way to deal with it is to have Obama come clean with some sort of an admission, resign and then there is an orderly new election with no prosecution. Obama goes off into the sunset and is not in the public eye anymore.
The US Attorney General – Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation on Obama campaign spending. They claim Obama has spent over $950,000 with eleven law firms in 12 states to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Kreep said he will release the finds to the US Attorney General, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter, which is the correct answer at this point in the situation.
Discussion – I think the Obama mess is no longer to be kept swept under the rug. The 800-pound gorilla has become a 2400-pound gorilla and there might not be a rug big enough to contain it. Court cases will continue to pour in. More and more people will be afraid to partake in the cover-up. There will be too many court orders sealing this and that to make it look real. It appears that someone did a bad job packaging Obama and now it is unraveling. If they stonewall everyone it will look funnier yet. So they may just decide to put a new stooge in play, no big deal.
I do think Obama was the absolutely perfect President to provoke states rights to the point where states seceded from the union. Shame he may not be with us long enough for this to happen. As I understand the election fraud situation, a new election should be required which means forget about Biden. Biden was voted in along with a fraudulent candidate, thus his whole party ticket was a fraud including Biden. Forget the Democratic Party going to jail too. Biden will also fall under suspicion due to association with Obama. They may try to have Obama resign for other reasons like health and then it goes to Biden.
This way they do not have to nullify all the bills Obama signed including the financial stimulus package and since he is no longer president the embarrassing court cases would be dismissed as moot. They would not be moot since some bills he signed became law, but this is how I expect they would play it. I would not expect much from Biden if he gets it. He would be a more experienced player than Obama and may not run down the socialism trail as much as Obama but don’t expect any change.
Biden is not going to audit and tax the Federal reserve Bank like Ron Paul would. So we wait and watch this show with zeal and enthusiasm while Obama walks around the White House thinking how much more time do I have left and where do I go. If he goes away in the manner prescribed by his handlers he will have sufficient funds to retire comfortably forever and never see a single day in prison.
-Aurelia Masterson,
Aurelia Masterson is an associate of Panama Legal law firm ( She has years of experience in the field and now shares her observations of current events, politics, and law with the Internet community. She can be contacted at:
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