Why do Puppies Whine?


  • Author Ed Nodelman
  • Published August 8, 2009
  • Word count 551

 Becoming a pet owner of a new puppy is one of the most fun and exciting things that you will do. It can be both an adventurous time as well as challenging. So what do you do when the dog behavior gets out of control and your new addition to the family starts to whine a great deal? The first thing that you will need to do is to learn to understand your puppy. This will allow you to know why he or she is whining. Once you know the reasons for the whining, you will now what to do to help your puppy get him or herself under control.

What Makes a Puppy Whine?

There can be a number of things that can trigger whining in your puppy but the main one is for attention. The key to figuring out how to deal with the whining is to find out what the whine is for. It can be for attention, it can be an anxious whine, it can be an excited whine, and it can be a whine to let you know the puppy is in pain or it can be a whine that they learned will get them the attention that they want. If it is a learned whine that is most likely because you give in to the puppy when you hear it whine. Thankfully there are ways to teach the dog to stop the unwanted behavior.

Strategies for Stopping Whining

If you crate your puppy and your puppy is whining, then chances are he or she has to do it business. It is important when you have been gone for awhile that you immediately take the puppy outside to do its business. If the unwanted dog behavior still continues after a trip outside then check for injuries as well as if other needs are being met.

You need to teach your little one right off the bat that it is ok to be alone. As with any young one, they will go through what is called separation anxiety and they will do what they can to let you know they do not like being left alone. You will hear whining, find chewed items and they will even do their business in unwanted areas. Start by leaving your pup alone for brief periods of time so that he or she will get used to it gradually and that will also show the pup that you will always return.

Make sure that you keep your puppy as comfortable as you can. You want to give them a sense of security and be sure to give them the things they need such as toys, food and water as well as love and play time. When they get the attention that they need, they will be more eager to please you. Praise them for good behavior and ignore the bad behavior.

Your pup will learn quickly what to do to get your attention. If you have checked all of the obvious reason for whining and can find no injuries or anything wrong then let your pup know that this dog behavior is not acceptable by using a firm voice telling them no. It may take some time to curtail the behavior but it will happen. The key is to being patient.

Ed Nodelman is a dog owner and a trainer with a special interest in puppy training. He is also a member of Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT).

For more information, including tips on dog behavior, visit http://www.puppy-training-solutions.com.     

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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