Health and Alzheimer Disease

Health & FitnessCancer / Illness

  • Author Stewart Levison
  • Published March 30, 2007
  • Word count 619

How To Reduce The Risk of Alzheimer Disease

Poor health can develop into Alzheimer disease. Experts discovered the heart disease and strokes could develop particular types of dementia, which is Alzheimer disease. In addition, experts have linked Parkinson's disease to Alzheimer. Any disease that wears down the brain functions is subject to cause Alzheimer disease to develop. Parkinson's disease is a progressive degenerative disorder, which sets up deficiencies of the extra pyramidal channels. The deficiency causes dopamine, as well as acetylcholine to decrease, which affects the basal ganglia.

The disease can destroy nerve cells, which is a symptom of Alzheimer disease. Head injuries can also develop into Alzheimer disease. Since the brain tissues are damaged, it affects the nerve cells, fibers, blood flow, etc. The condition is in conjunction with Alzheimer symptoms and/or cause.

How can one prevent Alzheimer disease? Experts tell us that routine exercise, activities, eating proper and so forth will reduce risks of Alzheimer disease. Experts have found that ALC, which is a supplement sold in Europe has proven to decrease risks of Alzheimer disease.

The prime health factors doctors focus on is ADRD, i.e. heart disease, strokes, and disease. Experts claim that if risks are reduced it can also reduce the risks of Alzheimer disease.

Because mitochondria stores the cellular energy, which is reduced with age, experts found that maintaining balance could help reduce risks of Alzheimer disease. Aging disease is commonly known as "mitochondrial disorder." The condition can cause amino acids to deactivate. The acids involve itself in the transporting of fatty acids. The cell that produces energy when deficient will cause a series of disorders in the brain, which increases the risk of Alzheimer disease.

Experts have discovered that maintaining a healthy balance of platelets can also reduce risks of Alzheimer disease. Platelets are blood particles that involve in blood clotting. The colorless platelets are shaped like disks. Platelets develop in large bulks in the blood.

Recently, experts found that drinking one to three alcohol drinks weekly could reduce heart disease, strokes, etc, which can also reduce risks of Alzheimer disease. Excessive alcohol consumption however can increase the risks.

How does Alzheimer affect the person? Alzheimer can cause the person to loose his or her intellectual functions. The degenerative disease is characterized by a series of disorders. The brain tissues will start to deteriorate. The result causes the brain tissues to collapse. Alzheimer disease (AD) affects the nerve tissues. Slowly the disease tears down the brain functions until it arrives at the central nervous system (CNS). The condition causes the patient to become less aware. Senile conditions cause the patient to forget and feel confused. As the disease progresses the patient will have deficient dendrites, mitochondria, and so forth. The condition causes plaque buildup, which the patient will loose microscopic neurofibrillary fibers. At this stage the cell bodies, dendrites, axon, etc, that surround the nerve cells tangle, which channels down to the central nervous system.

Experts claim that caring for Alzheimer patients, i.e. it is important to consider neurological disorders, as well as the central nervous system. Experts will thoroughly assess the anatomy and physiology aspects to plan and implement treatment that will assist the patient in stability.

How do doctors detect symptoms of Alzheimer? Doctors will review family history to detect Alzheimer disease. Experts include physical exams, diagnostic testing, etc. In addition, experts will identify changeable and non-changing risk factors.

Patients with Alzheimer disease often receive treatment that prompts the nerve impulses to continue transmitting messages to the central nerve system and the brain. Education is important, which doctors attempt to inform the patient of his or her condition. In addition, the patient learns how to assist with healthcare.

Stewart Levison is an Anti-Aging practitioner and expert who constantly provide valuable anti-Aging guidelines and resources. Learn how to make your life healthier, younger, and energetic. To receive your Free resources visit:

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