Cancer Serviks
Health & Fitness → Cancer / Illness
- Author Resa Barker
- Published March 2, 2010
- Word count 1,870
Of course you are familiar with the term cervical cancer (Cervical Cancer), or cancer of the cervix. True, as the name suggests, cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the uterine cervix, an area in which the female reproductive organ is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus) with a hole intercourse (vaginal). This cancer usually occurs in women who have aged, but the statistical evidence shows that cervical cancer can also attack women aged between 20 to 30 years.
Indeed the term "cancer" itself is certainly giving the impression scary and creepy. Like a death row inmate received.
What about cervical cancer?
Was also just scary to some other cancers?
According to experts cancer, cervical cancer is one type of cancer the most preventable and most curable of all cancers. But, even so, in the western Australian region alone, 85 people were recorded as many positive effects on women diagnosed with cervical cancer each year. And in 1993 alone, 40 women had died a victim of this cancer malignancy.
How cervical cancer occur?
Like all cancers, cervical cancers occur characterized by the growth of cells on the cervix that is not unusual (abnormal). But before these cells become cancer cells, there are some changes experienced by these cells. Changes in these cells usually take up many years before the cells had been transformed into cancer cells. During these breaks, proper treatment will soon be able to stop the cells are abnormal cells before they turn into cancer cells. The cells are abnormal presence can be detected by a test called a Pap smear test ", so the earlier the abnormal cells were detected, the more a person's risk rendahlah cervical cancer.
It is a Pap smear test is a test that is safe and inexpensive and has been used for years to detect abnormalities that occur in cells of the cervix. This test was first discovered by Dr. George Papanicolou, so called a Pap smear test. Pap smear test is a method of examination of cells taken from the cervix and then examined under a microscope to see the changes that occur from these cells. Changes in the cells of the cervix detected early will allow treatment of certain actions taken before these cells can develop into cancer cells.
This test only takes a few minutes. In a state lying on your back, an instrument called a speculum will be inserted into the hole intercourse. This tool is to open and hold the vaginal wall in order to remain open, allowing a free view and cervix seen clearly. Cells of the cervix and then taken by way of wiping the cervix with an instrument called a spatula, a device resembling a handle on ice cream, and smears is applied to the object-glass, and then sent to a pathology laboratory for a more thorough examination.
Procedure Pap smear test may be very unpleasant for you, but will not cause pain. Perhaps you would prefer a female doctor for this procedure, but in general the general practitioners and family planning clinics can turn to for help for a Pap smear test. Try doing a Pap smear test at the time was a week or two weeks after the end of your menstrual period. If you have menopause, a Pap smear test you can do at any time. But if the bladder uterus and cervix have been removed or surgery (hysterectomy or surgical removal of bladder uterus and cervix), you no longer need to do a Pap smear test because you're free from the risk of cervical cancer. Pap smear test is usually done once every two years, and better done on a regular basis. It should always remember is never too late to do a Pap smear test. Pap smear test is always required even if you are no longer doing sexual activities.
How Signs of Cervical Cancer?
Changes that occur early in cervical cells is not always a sign of cancer. Pap smear test regularly is necessary to know the early beginning of a change in the cancer cells. Changes in cancer cells may lead to further bleeding after sexual activity or between menstrual periods.
If you get these signs, you should immediately conduct investigation into the doctor. Any change or discharge (discharge) is not a normal thing, and a thorough examination must be done even if you've just done a Pap smear test. Even so, in general, after a thorough examination, the results are not always positive cancer.
As with other disease events, if the initial change can be detected as early as possible, action can be given treatment as early as possible. If the initial changes have been known to the general treatment is given by:
Heating, diathermy or laser.
Cone biopsy, namely by taking a few of the cells, cervical cells, including cells undergoing changes. This allows a more thorough examination to ensure that cells change. This examination can be performed by the obstetrician.
If the course of the disease has reached the stage of pre-cancer and cervical cancer have been identified, it is for healing, some things you can do is:
Operation, namely by taking the cancerous area, usually the uterus and cervix.
Radiotherapy is by using high-powered X-rays that can be done internally and externally.
Risk for esophageal cancer:
Every woman who ever had sexual intercourse has a risk of cervical cancer. Cells of the cervix may experience changes that are needed to do a Pap smear test regularly (both who have or who have never get a Pap smear test). Similarly, for those of you who smoke likely to get cervical cancer is very large.
Met Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is often suspected as the cause of the abnormal changes of the cells of the cervix.
Having a sexual partner changing or starting sexual activity at a very young age may also increase the risk of getting cervical cancer.
What should you do to prevent cervical cancer?
The first, if you ever had sexual intercourse you should do a Pap smear test regularly every two years and this is done until you are 70 years old. In some cases doctors may recommend to perform a Pap smear test more often.
The second thing is to report any symptoms such as abnormal bleeding, especially after coitus (intercourse).
The third thing is to not smoke. Statistical data reported that the risk of cervical cancer would be higher if the woman smokes.
By doing some actions that can minimize these risks, we hope the event excluded from this cervical cancer. Hopefully.
Can you imagine, how would you feel if you know the results of 'Pap Smear' you gave abnormal results? Certainly you will feel worried and anxious, when you find that the results of 'Pap Smear' you are abnormal. But do not worry too much before, because not all the appearance of cells that are abnormal means cancer. It 'Pap Smear' can detect abnormalities of cells changes in the cervix at an early stage. Paradigm to remember is the early discovery of abnormalities on examination 'Pap smear', it will be more easily solved problem.
What does it mean if 'Pap Smear' you are abnormal.
Results 'Pap Smear' say if the abnormal cells from your cervix when examined under a microscope will give a different appearance with normal cells. This event usually occurs 1 in 10 tests 'Pap smear'. Several factors can provide indications discovery apparition 'Pap Smear' abnormal is:
Unsatisfactory 'Pap Smear'
In this case, means that employees in these Lab could not see the cells of your neck with details rahims that fail to make a report to your doctor komprehensive. If this case happened to you should you come back for examination 'Pap smear' in time to be determined by your doctor.
If there is infection or inflammation
Sometimes the examination 'Pap Smear' gives the appearance of inflammation. This means that the cells in the neck rahims experience a mild irritation in nature. Sometimes inflammation can be detected through a 'Pap smear', even if we do not feel the complaints because terasanya not cause clinical symptoms. Why is mixed. May have occurred due to infection by bacteria, or because the fungus'. Consult with your doctor about this problem and its treatment if necessary. Ask when you have to go through 'Pap Smear' again.
Minor Atypia or Atypia
The meaning of this situation is if the examination 'Pap Smear' changes detected cells rahims neck, but very minor and the cause is not clear. In this case, usually the result reported as 'atypia'. Usually the appearance changes such cells due to inflammation, but also because it is not rare viral infection. Because to make a definitive diagnosis is not possible at this stage, your doctor may recommend you to undergo the examination again in six months time. In general, these cells will return to normal again. Thus, it is very important for you to do 'Pap Smear' again to make sure that the abnormalities that appear on first inspection it is not a serious disorder. If the results produce the same results then you may be advised to undergo colposcopy.
Is colposcopy it?
Colposcopy is a procedure vaginal and cervical examination rahims by a physician experienced in the field. By examining the surface rahims neck, the doctor will determine the cause of abnormality of cervical cells rahims as stated in the examination 'Pap smear'. How to colposcopy examination were as follows: the doctor will insert a liquid into the vagina and neck tint rahims channels with a liquid that makes the surface of the rahims neck cells contain an abnormal terwarnai .. Then the doctor will look into the channel through the neck rahims a tool called kolposkop. Kolposkop is a binocular microscope, such a tool that uses a strong light with high magnification.
If the abnormal area was localized, the doctor will take samples of the tissue (a biopsy) for later sent to a lab for a detailed examination and accurate. Treatment will depend on the results of all your colposcopy examination.
How to your sexual activities?
At this stage, you do not have to worry about your sexual activity. You do not need to miss a sexual activity simply because the tests 'Pap Smear' you are positive, because it pre-cancer or cancer pain that you may not be passed on to your husband. But if you're in a healing treatment, you should ask your doctor when you can have sex intercourse again and how often these relationships.
Should further investigation be done after completion of treatment?
Further examination after the completion of treatment is absolutely necessary to obtain assurance that the area that has been treated has been cured at all. Even if the method of treatment you get, very effective, the cells are abnormal cells can sometimes recur again, can even grow with the degree of severity is higher. So early detection is a very essential thing once. During the first two years of treatment, you are advised to undergo tests 'Pap Smear' every three months or six months. If after three consecutive examination results 'Pap Smear' you are normal, this means that you have can be declared cured, and you can do a 'Pap smear' once every year continuously.
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