Youtube Censorship Debate: Activists announce PRUDETUBE DAY.

News & SocietyPolitics

  • Author Camilla Beck
  • Published March 21, 2010
  • Word count 434

Youtube Censorship Debate: Activists announce PRUDETUBE DAY. Every 13th. Every month.

This thing is becoming viral: "Fed up with Youtube Censorship" a dude calling himself "Defcon" uploaded a WEIRD video to Youtube announcing an "international PRUDETUBE DAY. Every 13th. Every month.", where everybody uploads content "no puritan eye ever wanted to see". Within hours the video had over 100000 Clicks:

Why is this getting so huge? Well, it´s because Defcon-dude does make a point. Many of you have probably been confronted with Youtube´s restrictive copyright and content policies in the past:

  1. If Youtube´s automatic software finds you are infringing audio or video copyrights they will immediately mute or ban your video. Now, apart from filling out the protest form youtube supplies – which will usually take weeks and months to be answered – there is a work-around: Before uploading, you pitch-shift the outlawed audio material by around two semi-tones and/or you distort the outlawed video if you´re also having problems with video copyright. Now, Youtube´s infringement software will probably leave you alone when you re-up your file. But IT IS annoying & takes hours to find the right settings.

  2. Second, if you upload material that contains anything too rude for these old puritans you don´t really have a chance against Youtube in terms of legally settling the issue. They won´t give you a reason WHY your video was banned and they won´t answer any emails to Ever.

In cases like these there are three strategies to protect your work.

Strategy 1: Upload your material to dozens of Youtube-accounts. When one account goes down, open another and re-up. Strategy 2: Upload your material with added censorship bars hiding the rude material from puritan eyes. This will also make a point, that Youtube is not the free community of creative exchange that it pretends to be. Strategy 3: Now, this is something that these kids from 4chan have tried. There was one dedicated day, Youtube-Porn-Day, where all users involved randomly uploaded videos containing – usually well-hidden – obscenity, giving Youtube the hassle of finding inappropriate content among millions of videos. So this does make a disruptive statement about Youtubes content policy and may be the only possibility for users to create public awareness about Youtube´s increasing harassment of users.

So maybe this explains the extraordinary success of the "Prudetube"-Video, which is still online and growing every second, becoming one of the biggest viral campaigns in internet history.

Check out to see which videos are being banned THIS second…

Camilla is the owner of a the label and an anti-censorship-activist herself...

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