Why Single Cowboys Love To Country Line Dance

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Scott Olewiler
  • Published June 9, 2010
  • Word count 473

If you're old enough to remember the movie Urban Cowboy then you're old enough to remember when men did not dance by themselves or in men only groups. Unlike today's youth who have no problem hitting the dance floor by themselves, men of a certain age and background simply do not strut their stuff on the dance floor without a partner.

Dancing in modern times is basically a socialized mating ritual. Men like to dance to attract women to them and women like to think that men who have the moves on the dance floor may have the moves elsewhere, if you know what I mean. That one on one eye contact while dancing is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs known to man. But shy guys, and we know most cowboys are shy guys, have a tough time even approaching a young woman to ask her to dance.

This is why cowboys love the country line dance. Whether you're doing the Cotton Eye Joe dance or the Watermelon Crawl, it gives you the opportunity to put yourself on display for all of the eligible women in the room. You can show off your dancing skills without being that guy dancing by himself that people all seem to move away from when he hits the floor. Can you say "creepy"? The country line dance is a place to show off without looking like you're showing off.

Cowboys aren't stupid. We know that once we've caught a woman's eye she simply will not be shy about asking us to dance. Any time a man becomes center stage in a positive way the need to approach women is drastically reduced. Look at guys in bands or race car drivers. Do you think any of those guys need to ask women out? Yeah, only once the woman has practically thrown themselves on them.

The country line dance gives men the opportunity to make their presence know without looking like a fool. It's an organized mating ritual where the male can become the peacock in a room full of hens. One has to wonder how shy guys in rock clubs ever get dates. Ain't no line dancing to Nickelback is there?

Oh yes, the cowboy has their urban counterparts beat when it comes to getting the ladies to come to them and the country line dance is one of his biggest tools. The dances are simple to do. Take the Cotton Eye Joe dance. You could learn this in an afternoon. And once you hit the floor you are now being eyed in some part by practically every woman in the room. Talk about a time saver.

Dance it and they will come. And you ladies simply thought we just liked to dance. As you can clearly see, those cowboys are a lot more sophisticated than we look.

For more info about the Cotton Eye Joe Dance and other country line dances visit [ http://www.cottoneyejoedance.com ](http://www.cottoneyejoedance.com)

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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