A Little Twist To Focusing On What You Want


  • Author Rishan Bo
  • Published November 6, 2010
  • Word count 398

So I was stumbling across the internet as usual when I came across this video: http://www.drkeithmanning.com/uncategorized/law-of-attraction-coach-learning-to-change-your-thought-patterns-and-attract-wealth

It got me thinking on the traditional advice of: "Focus on what you want!"

Now, that advice is correct. But in order to get to that point something counterintuitive often has to happen. Something that’s known as a "change pattern" in NLP.

As human beings, there’s often a ton of inertia when it comes to making changes in our life. That’s just the way most of us are wired. It’s probably a survival mechanism.

But…after modelling a ton of successful people, who’ve made massive changes in their lives we’ve dissected the pattern they go through.

Here’s what happens. At first you’re doing something – let’s use smoking as an example – so you’re smoking and you don’t really care. Then you realize it might be bad for you and you consider stopping. Maybe you even try to stop unsuccessfully. Either way, the resent towards this behavior continues to grow. You continue to dislike it more and more and eventually you being to hate it.

I should say up front that hating anything probably isn’t healthy, there’s stress that comes with that. Look into EFT to deal with that stress.

Eventually, all this buildup leads to a boiling point…where you’re so frustrated with your current behavior that you HAVE TO change. You’ll do anything it takes to change.

At that point you decide what you want instead, and then begin to focus on that solely.

So it was all the "away from" motivators that kicked you into action…and forced you to choose something else and focus on that.

Another way people get to this boiling point is by experiencing a strong emotional event. This event creates a severe "away from" motivation, they decide what they want instead and become focussed on that.

It’s that strong "away from" motivation that keeps us focussed on what we want. According to research in the NLP field, we’re much more motivated by an "away from".

That’s something cool I thought I’d share…if there’s something you’d like to change in your life, consider how you can build up that strong "away from" and force yourself into gear.

Till next time…

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