What to do if your family is against you dating Russian women

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Oksana Boichenko
  • Published December 7, 2010
  • Word count 710

For many people - especially of older generation, dating Russian women from across the world may seem an extraordinary thing, and they might be opposed to it. It can be a very difficult situation to deal with. You might be torn between pleasing your family and looking for your destiny in Russia, but it is important that you realize that to give up your dreams means betraying yourself. Such a situation can, of course, be frustrating and hard to deal with. There are a few things you can do to try and change the situation.

Keep your family informed about the process.

Just as you should do at least some basic research about your bride's country, you should share this research with your family. Even though your parents or friends may not think of Russia as pointing missiles at the US, they still can have many misconceptions and stereotypes that are not true (i.e. that all Russian women are promiscuous or connected with mafia). We would also suggest talking to your family about your decision to date internationally even before signing up on any website - it will give you a chance to talk to them about your choice well in advance of any relationship. It is also a good idea to keep your family posted on how things are progressing once you have started your journey. Explain to them how the agency you have selected works, how they protect your from scams, why the lady you chose can be trusted, etc. Do not lie about the positives and negatives - your family will still come to hear about scams and problems with Russian brides, but it is a good idea to accent the good things and downplay the bad things that happen to you during online dating.

Reason with your family about your choice.

Being a family, your relatives will want to protect you, of course, but just like any human being, they are capable of compromise - so try to reason with them. If you have met that special Russian lady, explain to your family how much you care about her and give them reasons why they should not be upset about your choice of dating internationally. Once you have gotten to know your lady even better and decided to build a serious relationship with her, suggest to your family to meet or talk to your Russian lady, so they have a chance to see what she is like and why you fell in love with her. Of course, some people can be very stubborn, but you should at least put some effort to explaining to them your point of view.

Accept the fact that your family might not share the same view as you.

If your family is refusing to accept your choice even after you have tried your best to convince them and explain your point of view, sometimes the only thing you can do is accept your differences and deal with the fact that they do not share your enthusiasm for international dating. Every one of us has the right to our own point of view, and your family members are no exception. It is the best way to look as such a situation and hope that your family will to the same in return and remain civil in the midst of your disagreement. Even if they do not approve your choice, you do not stop being a family or being there for each other.

When all else fails…

Some people do not know how to accept other people's choices and there are some families that can put pressure on some of its members who choose their own path. If you are in such a situation, it is an awful place to be. You can feel alone and question your own choices, but you need to realize that it is your family that is not being right by pressuring you into something you do not want. You deserve the freedom to make your own choices and your heart is the only one you should listen to.

Whatever the case, we hope you find true love and that people close to you will appreciate your choice and support both of you in your life together.

Oksana Boichenko

OksanaLove, Inc.


The matchmaker with 12 years of experience in the online dating business. You can find your second half - just visit our dating site and meet your Russian bride among the thousands of beautiful Russian women.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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