This Is That


  • Author Bay Grey
  • Published December 4, 2010
  • Word count 553

History in the making,2nd chapter of Acts,Azusa Street outpouring and now the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival.You go to church and the minister tells you about Acts and how the Holy Spirit was poured out in fulfillment of the prophecy given by the Prophet Joel.Church history tells you it is at this time Christianity was birthed and that it covered the Earth.You would sit their in the church pew and say oh how I wished I lived during those times to see all those great miracles.

Guess what you do,for it was also prophesied that in the last days there would be a former and latter rain of the Holy Spirit.In a little Alabama town called Daphne located next to the bay of the Holy Spirit God Has showed up and showed out. This state is know for their football team and the crimson roll tide fans.However God has a greater plan for this area. Just like the blood of Jesus had to be shed first 2000 years ago as forgiveness for our sins.Then because of the blood sacrifice the Holy Spirit could be poured out upon us.

The same is happening again.Evangelist Nathan Morris from England and Pastor John Kilpatrick are centering the entire revival around the blood.It has pleased the Holy Spirit so much to talk about the blood that He has come down again with fire to consume the Holy blood sacrifice of Jesus.The Blood is alive for ever.The word of God says we will overcome the enemy by the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb.This blood is speaking in the services.It screams at cancer,diabetes, blindness and deafness and says in a loud voice let my people go and to those who are hurting BE HEALED in the name of Jesus. Nightly we hear the Blood proclaim in a loud voice as miracles, signs and wonders unfold.The blind are receiving sight, the deaf hear and the crippled walk again.Every night the area is electrify you can physically feel the tangible love of God in the atmosphere.

God is really showing himself strong.You and I are so blessed to live in this historical time.The last outpouring will even surpass the days of Acts.The Lord Jesus Himself said that we would receive power and even do greater works.The world is looking for a sign.Well a huge RED Neon Sign is lighting up the sky over the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival.The crowds are coming from all over the nation and the world.In fact we had to move to the Mobile Convention Center.Just like in Acts 2 they came from all the nations and were set ablaze and then went out and shared the power of Jesus blood and His forgiveness through it and great miracle,signs and wonders followed.

Crimson tide roll,roll tide roll.Roll on our nations and the leadership, roll on our children,roll on our unsaved family and friends.Yes Crimson tide roll over us and wash us in your precious blood,roll tide roll.

If you ever do one thing in your life come and be set ablaze your destiny in Christ is calling you to come.

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