Make the First Move and Meet a Girl - Local Dating Hints for Guys

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Jennifer Rollins
  • Published February 16, 2011
  • Word count 753

Learn the best way to meet a girl even when you are too shy, bashful or intimidated to make the first move. You can overcome you lack of confidence by taking these few, simple steps. Overcome your fears and succeed with the girls.

Do you get nervous at parties? You desperately want to talk to the girls and all about the room people are having a good time. And there you are, counting crackers and eating dip. You see a girl across the room and she smiles at you. With great difficulty you force yourself and walk in her direction simply to move right on past, too frightened to say anything.

Well, you aren't the only one. Hundreds of thousands of individuals just like your self have read the expert articles on the best way to meet a girl and they've seen the videos but they are still too timid to make the first move. You can stop beating yourself up now. Shyness can be a challenge but it's not fatal. You can whip it.

It is rather typical for young kids to be timid around others. It normally does not cause significant problems and commonly gets better when the child reaches

age twelve. Teenagers who are naturally gregarious master new social abilities and integrate quickly in social groups.

To some individuals, a shy individual may possibly appear to be distant, aloof or cold and arrogant. To other people the shy person could be perceived as being intelligent and thoughtful, as being a good listener someone who is more likely to think about what they are going to say. You'll be able to use that second group of characteristics to your advantage once you know the best way to meet a girl. While some women go for the extrovert or the clown, quite a few ladies appreciate men who're thoughtful and who are great listeners.

Guys who are shy are generally at their worst in social scenarios like parties. They are out of their comfort zones in such gatherings. Smiling, easy conversation about suitable subjects and making eye contact don't come easily to them. How can you meet a girl at a social gathering when you're too self-conscious to even speak to one?

The first step would be to practice in places where you are comfortable. Practice? Definitely. You do meet people every day and some of those people are girls. Make it your goal to talk to them. Start with "good morning." It is very common for folks to say good morning to people they don't know well. Say it to the girl behind the Starbuck's counter. Say it to the mail man. Say it to the bus driver. Start saying good morning to everybody you meet. It is going to make them feel good and it is going to help you get over your fear of starting a conversation.

What if they point out that "It's 3 in the afternoon." Don't give it a thought. Just smile and say, "Gee, where did the morning go?" They will smile and say something and maybe you'll find your self in a conversation. If not, that is okay, too. You were just becoming friendly.

The point is, saying the 1st word is the hardest part. As soon as you get that down, you could practice other pleasantries. Ask questions. Let's go back to the party where you've just said hello to that nice looking girl and she said it back. Ask, "how do you know, Bill?" or whatever the name of the person hosting the party is. "Did you come alone?" "Did you drive far to get here?" Before the party, write down five or ten questions you could use to begin a conversation. Once you get past that initial greeting and introduction, the rest is easier.

In case you don't naturally feel outgoing and extroverted, act. Play a role. Actors are not like the people they play. That's why they're referred to as actors. They learn the lines and deliver them. So jot down some questions you could ask a girl at a party to begin a conversation. Practice them when you're alone so you've got the words down. Begin using open-ended questions that begin with "What do you like about..." or "Where did you live when..." As soon as the conversation gets rolling a bit, smile and nod and encourage her to do the talking. She'll believe you are intelligent and thoughtful and fascinated by her. And wasn't that your goal all along?

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