Apologetics Atheism Training - Prevent Atheism with Apologetics Training


  • Author Kevin Conover
  • Published April 7, 2012
  • Word count 619

Apologetics Atheism Training - Prevent Atheism with Apologetics Training

Kids have questions, and they’ll take answers where they can get them. Some of the most important questions they’ll ever have are about God: is He really there? Does He care about how we live our lives? Has He spoken? How do we know? Many Atheists (including the late Christopher Hitchens) have written about a journey away from God that began with the realization, as children, that religious authorities can’t provide any good answers. But is that conclusion justified? It’s true that the majority of Christians do not learn to defend the truth of their faith with sound reasoning and solid evidence, but this is not the way it ought to be. The fact is, there are good answers to the difficult questions about Christianity. The people who find them are Christian Apologists.

Apologists seek to follow in the footsteps of the Apostles Paul and Peter: to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God," to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5), and to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks" (1 Peter 3:15). But sadly, apologists are relatively few in number, especially compared to the number of Christians in the world. Even if the answers exist, the problem of getting them to the people who need them remains. Of course in the information age there are many fine resources available, such as Christian apologetics websites and books, but most Christians are either not aware or not interested. Much of the time there seems to be no need for such answers; but when the need arises, as it inevitably does, what will happen to those who are not prepared?

Millions of Christian young adults leave their homes and families to go to secular colleges, where the things they have learned about God will be directly challenged at every turn. Of those who are not properly equipped with the truth, some of them may end up like Hitchens, and others might try not to think too hard about the contradictions. But as Christians, we serve a God who frequently said "I tell you the truth," and told us to love Him with our minds. That is why practicing apologetics is not only an exercise in strengthening our shield of faith, which will extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one (Eph. 6:16); it is obedience to God. And the best time to begin apologetics training is young, so that the seeds of doubt can be removed before they take root.

Educate For Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing training in Christian apologetics for kids, so that they can become adults who are fully devoted to God with their minds. We are of the classical school of apologetics, and believe that it can be demonstrated that Christianity is the most rationally supported of all worldviews. We offer a variety of apologetics courses, covering topics such as the creation/evolution/intelligent design debate, and why Christianity is the true faith out of all the religions of the world. Our apologetics curriculum is continually developing, and has already had a great impact on many young Christians (see our testimonials). If you would like for your child to be prepared to meet the challenges that will be raised against his or her faith in God, consider enrolling him or her in one of our courses. The courses we are currently offering can be found here. Every Christian can and should be an apologist, and it is easier now than ever before to provide the answers that will strengthen your child’s faith in the one true God.

Educateforlife.org is an Education firm who gives the Apologetics Atheism Training. Founder, Mr. Kevin Conover is much curious about his blogging, Business and most importantly about education.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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