Paranormal Research - Ghost Hunt


  • Author Jessica Tanner
  • Published May 21, 2012
  • Word count 559

Paranormal Research - Ghost Hunt

Would you like to hunt ghosts and see if you may get some real personal evidence of the existing of paranormal energies? If so, there are many ways for you to do so.

One way you can investigate the paranormal existence is by taking photos and record videos and see if anything paranormal shows up in the video or picture.

How to Take Spirit Pictures?

Fist of all you should have a fairly good camera to work with on your supernatural investigation.

Then you have to find a place you would like to take pictures or footages. This place could be the graveyard, castles, old buildings, famous paranormal places, etc. But since the spiritual entities can be anywhere, you do not have to go to any specific place, but the chances of catching a spirit may be greater at places where people have already experienced ghostly activities.

When you start your hunt and you go to that chosen place where you want to investigate, you may want to have someone with you and take pictures of, as some ghosts are attracted to people and this could increase your likelihood of getting a ghost photograph.

It is also important to remember, to be patient. The possibility of catching a spirit on your picture are incredibly small, and you therefore have to not get frustrated and be really patient. But the possibility of catching orbs in your pictures are much higher though.

What are Orbs?

There are various different explanations of what orbs may be. Some people believe that they are ghosts and spiritual energies, other people think they are angelic being while some think that they are only light reflecting in the camera lens.

Things that could bring orb-like globes in your pictures can be dust and dirt from the nature, light reflecting in a shiny surface, insects, fog, etc. so when you get an orb-like light ball in your picture you have to make sure it could not have been created be anything else. If you get the orb on a video-camera, you can also pay attention to the movement of the orb and see if it seems odd and unnatural for any insect or dust particle.

Protection Against Energies

Since you do not know what type of spiritual energies you are working with, you may want to protect yourself before and after you go on your paranormal investigation. This can be in form of a protection meditation, where you surround yourself with positive energy and create a protective wall between you and other energy sources. Some people like to connect with angels and ask for their protection when they work with the spiritual world. So if you believe in angelic entities you can call upon one, such as the archangel Michael, who can help you get rid of negative energies around you.

When You been on your paranormal investigation you have to do a cleansing exercise, to get rid of all kinds of different of energy that may have attach them selves to you. It does not matter No matter what type of energy it is, harmless or more dangerous, you want to get rid of it and leave it, so that you do not drag anything with you home.

You can learn more about spirituality on my website:

Jessica T.

I have always been interested in meditation and spirituality and that is why I have chosen to write about it and sharing my knowledge. I have to say that I am no expert on the field but are simply sharing what I know and maybe it can help you.

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