3 Philosophical Questions We Should Ask Ourselves Regularly

Social IssuesPhilosophy

  • Author Tomasio Rubinshtein
  • Published March 23, 2020
  • Word count 778

Specifically because our time here among the living is by default limited, we should examine our lives every now and then, question our current progress (if we're making any), and see for ourselves through contemplation, whether or not our limited time here is being wasted or is being well-invested. As a matter of fact, even, what drove me to become a philosopher is to increase my productivity as a writer, something which was a good choice, when I look at it retrospectively.

Anyways, here are the questions. Feel free to memorize them and set a time once in a while to ask yourselves these questions, and check if you're making progress towards whatever one or more ambitions you've vowed to accomplish.

  1. Do I really need this/these?

· Take away everything you don’t need, and there shall be less unnecessary suffocating.

· Some of your possessions could be used by people that actually need them and they are deprived of.

· Experience is there for knowledge and development. If you know something without experiencing it, and contemplating on it have contributed to your growth as a person, then experiencing it can be discarded.

· Wanting something you don’t have can create unnecessary frustration. Even if you may attain it, the frustration can potentially stay and be directed to the next thing you lack. It is a cycle of waste, and waste isn’t needed.

· Learn to even your needs with your wants. In that way, fulfillment of needs can bring much satisfaction and serenity.

· If you are to decide to discard one or more objects from your life, make sure to check if their discarding has really made any significant change in your lifestyle, beyond their visual disappearance.

  1. Am I currently a productive individual?

· To create something is to embody yourself in it. When you produce something of your own, it can "extend" your life after your death. It can stay for centuries and be consumed by others for their own development in the journeys of the living.

· All people have talents, and talents are there to be used. When they are not used, they decrease in their potential, like a plant which hadn’t watered for a long time. You don’t have to use your all talents, and using one or two is enough to develop for your growth.

· Being productive can lead to a satisfying and meaningful life. Humans are need to be doing things, to keep themselves occupied, and when this need is deprived, then harm comes forth, even if it is unseen at first. It grows like a virus.

· Your time in your biological existence can be used otherwise than non-productivity. Be active and actualize yourself how much you are able and not feel exhausted enough to rest.

· Even with all the potential and actualized productivity, rest should be embraced, for it can make one’s productivity with additional quality.

· It can be in your workplace or in your time of leisure. You are more than your work like you are more than your free time.

· Even basic jobs can be of the highest significance to the functionality of the workplace. This is why even jobs with less luxury are evenly, if not more, important than those that guarantee social admiration.

  1. Can I stand the possibility of death?

· There are points in RPG games where once you arrive at some area, you cannot return to the previous places in the game. These are points of no return. Sometime they are predicted, and sometimes they come by surprise. Make sure you have done everything you felt or thought you needed to be doing, For death can arrive without caution, anywhere, anytime.

· Your time is temporary. You cannot live the same days for eternity. One day, your character in the environment where you are being on a regular basis, may disappear from the view. Make sure you are aware of that even if you are young, because no one is completely safe from Death, not even the younger.

· This question also applies to the deaths of others. Are you prepared for the death of those who are dear to you, older or younger? Are you prepared for the possibility one or more of them has a relative chance to permanently vanish from your life? Do you have a plan as to what to do afterwards, beyond your own rehabilitation?

I hope I've helped you to better value your life and the lives of those who are dear to you, by taking the time to read this article. With enough determination and introspection, you too could change your life for the better by asking yourself these three questions.

This article has been brought to you by Philosocom.com , Tomasio Rubinshtein's official website.

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