How Free Antivirus Software Can Work For You

Computers & TechnologySite Security

  • Author Darren Johnston
  • Published January 23, 2008
  • Word count 855

When I first made the transition from private internet user to business internet user there where many things I, at first had never taken into consideration. First and foremost however was Computer Security. My business is based and run out my home and while I use my four computers for business they are also used as personal computers as well by both myself and my family.

I keep all of my clients business and personal information on file as well as credit card numbers, home address and the like. Being somewhat naïve to the world of cyber crime prior to the start of my online business I lacked the knowledge and know how’s when it came to things like zero day attacks, viruses, and to the same extent the effects of spyware and malware. It wasn’t until I encountered a serious problem that I was forced into the world of PC Security Software.

I like most people prior to my incident had made use of products like Norton and MacAfee to keep my computers free from viruses and other nasties. Knowing what I know now, those applications do their jobs but can be difficult to understand for the layman. As I found as time passed I had no idea what I was doing with those applications and would simply run scans and remove the threats they would find. I knew nothing of the Security Management tools that where included and when I finally did find out about them I couldn’t figure out how to utilize them.

So what incident finally forced me to educate myself and begin protecting my clients and my business? Well as I stated previously my computers are also used by my family for leisure. During those early months of the business my youngest child who was 11 at the time was browsing through sites that were designed to implant viruses and allow spyware to run rampant through my home network. For a time I didn’t even know that there were any problems. That is until I got a call from a client who explained that he was getting both mail and email from unwanted solicitors whom he believed I had sold his information too. I ended up spending a weeks worth of time on the phone with this person and eventually we got things sorted out. I immediately began speaking to others who operated businesses out of their homes and found surprisingly that I had been a victim of data theft. After a great deal of consulting with others I began my hunt for a reliable PC Security application.

My initial results through the early stages of my search warranted results I found both disheartening and disappointing. I first looked at and sampled several Free Antivirus Software programs none of which was the "complete" package. I was advised to find an application that would not only locate 100% of the threats throughout my network but one that would also keep those threats out. I was also looking for a program that would allow me to do it all in one fell swoop and one that was fairly easy to use and understand too. Unfortunately for me my early searches generated poor results. What I found surprising too was that most of the early programs I had sampled where popular programs that many other business where making use of.

It wasn’t until roughly three weeks into my search that I found a company called eEye, whom specializes in things like PC Protection and Security Management software. After reading through their product descriptions I immediately began reading reviews of their products and asking those I did business with what their opinion of eEye was. I was happy to hear that there was an overwhelming majority in favor of their Endpoint Security programs. Luckily for me they offer a free download of their "Blink Personal Edition" antivirus application. There’s nothing more pleasant than expecting something average and ending up with something that’s a superior product. Not only did I not have to pay to take this program for a test drive but the program had everything I was on the hunt for. As I’m not the most tech savvy individual using such programs usually present a number of challenges for me but not eEye’s programs. I was able to install it and begin using it with ease. Right off the bat it found all of the infections my youngest child had brought into the computer and immediately after the scan completed and threats where removed, I set up, with ease the intrusion prevention tools that have since kept 99% of all threats off of my computers and out of my business.

Things have been running smoothly for over six months now and I no longer worry about things like data file theft and the like because the back door programs that allow individuals to engage in such unscrupulous activities can no longer find their way into my machines. Check out the eEye website at you’ll be glad you did.

I am a devoted follower and lover of all things computersFree Antivirus SoftwarePC Protection, PC Protection

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