Goals and Dreams - Success Starts Here!

Self-ImprovementGoal Setting

  • Author Mark Hartle
  • Published August 1, 2008
  • Word count 916

I bet 90% of you could not answer the simple question

"What do you really want out of life?"

I want to share with you some of the tips and techniques I

have used to get to the Root of that question, and

specifically how it relates to establishing Dreams and


Many of these ideas were only clear to me after going about

the whole process wrong, and I want to save you some pain

and frustration.

In this article you will discover some fundamental

principles for establishing and achieving any Dreams and/or

Goals that you could think of.

Rule #1: Always Start With The End In Mind!

If you are not Clear and Certain about where you want to get

to, I can safely predict that you will end up NOWHERE.

Here is one of my Dreams; I want to be completely

Financially Independent by the age of 45.

Two things you should notice here...

  1. This is a LARGE Dream and

  2. It is quantifiable (time-driven)

The dream of financial independence is a bit vague, so I

will clarify what it means to me. I will be completely free

of debt and have enough money to live out the rest of my

days without working if I chose to. I will be positioned to

work only for the enjoyment and relationships

involved, and money will no longer be a factor in my


Rule #2: Allow Yourself To Dream BIG!

When you think about your "Dreams", avoid placing them into

the context of your current circumstances or situation.

Allow yourself to paint a picture of your ideal life.

Take a little bit of time to focus on your Dreams, and

specifically what your life would look like. The more

in-depth you can do this part...the better.

Go drive through the neighborhood you want to live in.

Go tour the home of your dreams.

Go test drive your dream car or motorcycle.

Go to the docks and look at your Yacht.

TIP: Take a digital camera and get some pictures!

Rule #3: Keep Your Dreams Where You Will See Them


When you figure out specifically what it is that you want,

put those things onto a "Dream Board" or some sort of a

collage to serve as a daily reminder.

I have a large corkboard in front of my desk in my home

office that I look at EVERY day.

I also created an e-version that I use as my screen saver on

both of my computers.

Every day I have an e-mail sent to myself with my Goals and

Dreams on it. I read this e-mail first thing, and take some

time to absorb the pictures and feelings associated with my

Dream Board.

Isn't this all just a waste of time and energy?

If you actually take the time to write down your Dreams and

Goals... you have already positioned yourself in the top 7%

of the entire world population.

If you set up a system to re-visit and ponder your Dreams

and Goals on a recurring basis...you are now in the top 1%

of the world population.

With well-defined goals and dreams in place, you have a 99%

better chance of seeing them come to fruition.

By taking the steps outlined above, you will be amazed at

the direction and purpose that your life can take on. A type

of focused intensity that keeps life's little problems in

their correct perspective.

BIG Goals and Dreams Keep Your Focus on WHY not on


This is why having BIG dreams or goals is so critical! If

you have limited goals or ambitions, the smallest of

obstacles can knock you off course, and it opens the door to

getting bogged down in the "HOW" of getting things

accomplished. However, if your goals and dreams are larger

than life, the small stumbling blocks will hardly even be


Dreams and Goals Help Develop a "Rhino-Like" Intent

If you have never witnessed the way a rhino approaches

things, it is worth a visit to the Wild Animal Park nearest

you to check it out...

First of all, the rhino has extremely thick skin. This is

critical for those of us who have decided to pursue a life

of absolute abundance. In order to go against the grain and

ignore the "status-quo" mentality all around you, you will

need to develop the thick skin of a rhino.

Second of all, the rhino is so determined and focused in

everything it does. It will simply put its head down and go

for what it wants. It will stop at nothing to get what it

wants, and heaven forbid something or someone get in its

way. I saw one uproot a tree because it was in its

path...rather than alter course and go around the tree this

rhino just took the tree out of its way!

If you can develop the thick skin and focused intention of a

Rhino, there is nothing in the world that will prevent you

from reaching success.

If you have read this entire article at a standard reading

pace, it probably took about 5 minutes. If you will focus

on your Dreams and Goals just that long each day, you will

attract those dreams to you like a magnet.

To delve deeper into Dreams and Goals, I highly recommend

the book and DVD of "The Secret". I have personally watched

that DVD 20 times in the past 6 months.


Success is not a destination but a journey.

Enjoy the ride!!!

Mark Hartle

Company: Your Freedom Source

Website: http://www.TheSimplestSystem.com

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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Article comments

Maia Berens
Maia Berens · 16 years ago
And if you can't accomplish your goals or even accomplish setting them, enjoy your life anyway. It's all you got.