Tips From a Life Coach - Can't See a Way Out of the Chaos of Your Life?

Self-ImprovementGoal Setting

  • Author Heather Percy
  • Published April 25, 2009
  • Word count 700

There are some jobs, and some times of the year, when there really is no way out.

  • Tax Time - for Accountants
  • Year End - for Sales Professionals and corporate executives
  • February 28 - for Canadian RRSP investment financial advisors
  • A Life Crisis - which occurs unexpectedly

What is your time of year when there is nothing to do but plow through it and hope to make it out the other end with your sanity, health and family intact?

You don't want to live this way, but there is no spare time in the middle of this to stop and make a change. You wonder how you'll ever make it through, and whether there is a way to make it easier next time - because there will always be a next time.

If you are reading this and identifying with it, then you don't have the time or the energy to read a lot of words. I understand this.

As a Life Coach, my desire is to help you get through this time, so that once through it you can regroup and remake your life. Here are a couple of suggestions for you to do right now. Take 30 minutes -- it will make a huge difference.

  1. Make yourself something visual to remind you of why this will all be worthwhile in the end. Suggestion:
  • Print or cut out your favorite relaxing picture and display it somewhere where you will see it at least 3 times a day. The ocean, a beach, a forest -- whatever picture gives you peace.
  • At the top of this picture, print the date when this chaotic time will be over. E.g. April 30, December 31, February 28, or an estimated date. It is important to use a date, as it gives you a time to which you can look forward when life becomes just too much to bear.
  • Somewhere else on the picture, list 3 or 4 things you will have successfully accomplished by that date. E.g. "My clients are happy", "My staff is proud of the work they have done to get us to this date".
  • Also on the picture, list an affirmation of yourself and the accomplishment you will have achieved by this date. E.g. "I am a SuperWoman/SuperMan who has earned the right to take time for myself" (You are affirming the mammoth effort and commitment it will have taken to get through this challenge, and you are also giving yourself a reward at the end -- a reward to now take care of yourself.)
  • Put the picture somewhere where you will see it at least 3 times each day. Let it relax you and give you hope.
  1. During times of chaos, your mind will wander to how you wish life was. "If only I could take that exotic vacation." "If only I could remodel my family room." "Oh, I wish I was..." Don't let those thoughts be depressing and unattainable. When your mind is thinking these things, capture them. Suggestion:
  • Keep a notebook with you.
  • Jot down your dreams and desires as they come to mind. These might be anything from "having the life that you want" (be specific), to "changing a behavior that a self-help book has prompted you to want".

This is a good way to make a list of your dreams and desires. When you reach that date you've put onto your visual, and the current chaos subsides -- and it will -- you'll be ready to look at your list and to prioritize your dreams and wishes. Writing down your dreams and desires helps to clear your mind. You no longer have to work your already tired brain to keep reminding yourself. This also makes it a lot easier to prioritize the ones you want the most, and the soonest.

Now remember the promise you made to yourself. When you reach your goal date, and you come out from the stress and chaos of that time -- keep your promise. Take your visual and your notebook to your Life Coach, and begin the journey to achieve your dreams and change your life.

Once you've tried the suggestions above, I'd love to hear from you, and about your experiences with these two simple steps.

Heather Percy, President, Percy Emtage & Associates, is a Certified Business Coach. She is a visionary and results driven leader with an extensive background in marketing and operations within global companies. She facilitates the development of strategic and business plans, implements mechanisms to improve business processes and internal communications, and grooms managers, supervisors, and leaders for their new and diverse roles.

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