The Chinese Dragon Kings


  • Author Henry Fong
  • Published May 25, 2009
  • Word count 435

Chinese dragons are usually drawn as very snake-like with four legs and a very long body. Most dragons are associated with evil put Chinese dragons depict power that is not necessarily evil. The Chinese dragon is regularly found in Chinese art and folklore. The male Chinese dragon is a symbol of the male or yang and is thought to control the weather and rain.

Historically the Chinese dragon belonged to the emperor and could not be used by any commoners. The presence of the dragon as a symbol has fluctuated depending on the government and message portrayed to the rest of the world. Dragons are linked with war and aggression and it is for this that China has switched to using the Panda as a symbol. Angering dragons is also dangerous as angry dragons have cause some of the most horrific floods in China, as any flowing water are controlled by dragons.

Dragons control all moving water, including waterfalls, rivers and the four seas surrounding China. Some of the most horrific floods, remember all of the floods of the Yellow river, that occurred in china are believed to be caused because someone angered a dragon. The dragon is also worshiped for its ability to bring rain, as China is largely and agricultural country.

The Chinese dragon is part of the Chinese zodiac and dragon years are the most popular to have babies as dragons are linked with certain personality traits. A dragon is one of the four celestial guardians. Dragon boat racing and dancing with dragon puppets are popular celebration of the Chinese New Year.

In modern times the belief of the dragon is not as prevalent but the worship of dragon kings for weather and water still an important part of Chinese tradition. Dragons are thought to control moving bodies of water form seas to rivers and rule the water and weather. The four main dragon kings rule the east sea, the south sea, the west sea and the North Sea.

Dragons have many powers and can disguise itself as a silk worm or be as large as the universe. It can fly or hide in water and can be invisible or glow. It can also change water into fire and form clouds. It is unknown where the Chinese dragon originated from but it is thought that the dragon may be a stylized form of a crocodile. The ancient crocodile could sense air pressure and new when it was going to rain. As the dragon controls the weather and rain it is thought that this beginning of the dragon is true over other theories.

Henry Fong

Feng Shui Consultant

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feng shui bagua
feng shui bagua · 14 years ago
well, there are some part that I could discuss because i don´t agree at all. However, i enjoyed reading it.

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