Saturn Steps into Libra into a Square to Pluto & Mercury Plunges into Scorpio & Sun Squares Mars


  • Author Shakti Carola Navran
  • Published December 18, 2009
  • Word count 1,992

This weekly forecast is from October 26 to November 1, 2009. We have some really news worthy planetary activity this week with Saturn and Mercury moving into a new sign. Saturn’s entry into the love and peace sign Libra is starting a new cycle of challenging our structures and believes in the area of relating and finding balance with the other which will lead to clarity and consolidation. If you have similar planetary constellations in your own personal chart I believe you will find value in this article as well.

Mercury Plunges into Scorpio on Tuesday 27

We have talked in depth about Scorpio energy in last week’s astro weather report. With Sun and Mercury in Scorpio for about a month we will have a more intense way to react and do things (Sun) and our mental focus and communication will be more scrutinizing and difficult in some ways (Mercury). The Mercury in Scorpio wants the truth and will accept no less then that.

Sun Squares Mars

Because of the Sun/Mars Square on Thursday 29 it might take a little time for the calming and reasoning qualities of Saturn in Libra to take effect. With the Sun in Leo and Mars in Scorpio we have two very powerful, righteous signs squaring off with each other; willing to fight for their stand point and not very open to reason or compromise. Some friction we have to expect around our self expression and wanting our own way. Maybe we will be too forceful and abrasive with others around us without meaning to. Awareness is the key!

Saturn Square Pluto

But the real challenge is that we are also nearing the square of Saturn with Pluto which will become exact in November 15. We had a similar powerful alignment and fireworks with 9-11, the war in Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq. This is not an easy constellation and we will be tested and initiated as individuals as well as a nation to see what we have learned and what our true colors are. So let us start by looking at the new frequency Saturn is representing us with his new home in Libra.

Saturn Steps into Libra on Thursday 29

When we want to know more about the meaning and potential expression of a planet in a specific sign, we always want to pay attention to the opposing forces in the opposite sign. Both energies are always balancing each other in the middle which is the center of the zodiac wheel.

The axis of Libra and Aries is about finding balance between our survival needs, ego drive and self identity on one hand symbolized by Aries and our need for love, harmony and balance with others symbolized by Libra.

As individual human beings we have the need for love, connection and companionship which is essential for our emotional survival as well as physical survival. Throughout history humans always lived in tribes or kingdoms and later countries to insure their individual survival. There was a need to choreograph a society with agreements and rules for us to thrive as a part of a bigger entity. It is like each one of us is like a cell in a body, we all have a use in the bigger order of things and we can only survive if we contribute as such.

And for that we have to find our place within the bigger order through our own individuality and sense of self. Libra represents the area where we meet the "other" as an individual, a friend or potential partner or the "others" as in the countless faces of the billions of inhabitants of planet earth. That can be pretty scary and we need to be grounded in our own identity to be able to face that.

Only if we feel secure in our own self identity, know ourselves as who we are with our own needs and value, we will be able to dance with somebody else a satisfying dance of collaboration in harmony.

All the challenges we have in the area of our relationships have to do with finding that balance between self and other. When we reach the center between Aries and Libra we will find the autonomy, self value, self-confidence, love and connection we all long for. We will be able to share ourselves more deeply, lovingly and intimately without fear and dependency. I would say that this is a worthwhile goal to strive for, don’t you think?

The same holds true for the dynamics between countries. Only if we reach the point of balance in the middle between our own needs and the respect for the other, true autonomy and cooperation can evolve. As long as it is normal for us to use other less evolved countries to cater to our economical desires and start wars to enforce our superiority, there is no balance or peace to expect.

It is the same as if you would treat your spouse as a slave, have her sleep in the garden shed, feed her scraps from your table and force her into working for you all day long. You would not expect there to be love and loyalty under those circumstances. You would have to expect rebellion and upheaval if the burden becomes too heavy to carry and the things on your table look too attractive.

Your Responsibility and Your Choices

When I was young I was very political oriented and thought that I wanted to change the world by becoming a journalist and make sure to expose all the deficiencies of the world. I wanted to contribute to a better world. I still want that but over the years my perspective has changed into the realization that the only true power I hold is inside of me.

The only power I have is to learn to control my own thoughts, actions and emotions and contribute to people around me from that inner place of love and oneness. From that place there will be right action and true change in my inner world as well as the outer world. We all are part of global consciousness and we do count. The morphogenetic field of consciousness is changing and evolving constantly. It brings in new souls, the next generation with a new level of consciousness and skills based on the work their ancestors have done.

I am not saying we shouldn’t change something in the outer world if we see need. The more conscious and aware we are the better the choices and actions we are able to take in our life. I just want to point out the necessity of starting within our own self and cleaning up our own act first because the outer world mirrors the inner world.

Challenging Times

In these challenging times with the economical meltdown, the old structures and paradigms not working anymore we have to find a new balance with "others" out there in the world as individuals as well as countries. There are plenty of challenging astrological constellations ahead of us and the Saturn square Pluto is one of them. Astrology helps us to understand the underlying theme and what is expected of us in the way of inner and outer growth. It gives us meaning and compassion for what is happening. Then you can do your part of contributing through your own inner growth and the choices you make for your life. We are also living in exciting times and we might see changes in our generation we would have thought not possible! And we are part of it!

The Gemstone for all this is the Crystal Quartz or Herkimer Diamond

The first gemstone that comes to my mind is the Crystal Quartz which is the birthstone for Capricorn and therefore a Saturn stone. It is the most exceptional gemstone with the clarity and translucency no other stone has not even the diamond. This stone can help us to raise our consciousness through meditation or wearing it in a piece of jewelry in our energy field. We can program it to our specific needs because it offers itself as a container for that.

The other is the Herkimer Diamond which is an especially clear, double terminated crystal which incorporates the Pluto energy as well as the Saturn frequency. But I just have written about the Herkimer Diamond so today I will give you the general qualities of Crystal Quartz. But I suggest you read up on my article about the Herkimer Diamond because that is the ultimate ally for the Saturn/Pluto square constellation which will be with us for a long time. The Herkimer Diamond is especially beneficial worn as a pendant over your heart.

A Beautiful Gift from the Earth to You

Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in the Earth. It occurs in a variety of colors, including yellow, brown, pink, purple, and gray. The clear, colorless variety, called Crystal Quartz or Rock Crystal, forms exceptionally beautiful crystals that are sometimes used in jewelry to imitate diamonds. It has many fascinating physical and metaphysical qualities that can be applied in myriad ways to enhance your physical and mental well-being and help you achieve your goals.

Physical Properties of Crystal Quartz

Crystal Quartz is found all over the world. It is composed of silicon dioxide, one of the most plentiful compounds of the Earth’s crust. It grows as six-sided crystals, forming six-sided pyramids at the end of each crystal. The base of the crystal is milky, becoming clear at the tip. Quartz crystals often grow in clusters, in company with other minerals. Quartz can form huge crystals—the longest ever found was 20 feet long and weighed 48 tons!

The Astrological Meaning of Crystal Quartz

Pure crystal quartz is very clear or translucent, so its association with light and clarity is immediately evident. As the crystal grows upward to increasing clarity, it symbolizes our own striving for perfection as we grow toward ever-higher levels of consciousness.

Crystal Quartz represents the astrological properties of both the Sun and Saturn, two opposites of light and darkness. Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn (December 21–January 19). After December 21 (the Winter Solstice) the days grow longer while the nights grow shorter. That date represents the transition from dark into light that we must all pass through on our journey from the dark night to awakening.

From Darkness Comes Light

How can we have hope that such a transition is possible, that we may one day emerge from our darkness? We have only to observe how an ordinary chemical compound forms in the darkness of the Earth and grows into the perfect manifestation of light, clarity, and beauty. From darkness comes light! From humble beginnings comes magnificent beauty. And so shall it be in your own life.

It is only with a clear and calm mind that you can understand your earthly experience and come to terms with why you are here and how you want to live out your time in this life. Crystal Quartz can help you achieve that clear, calm mind and lead the way toward what is important to you. (Adapted from Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones That Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul © 2008 by Shakti Carola Navran. Llewellyn Worldwide)

If you like my approach to astrology, you can go to my astro blog and sign up for my newsletter and I will send you a free weekly astrological weather report forecast on the universal flow and planetary positions. If you know what is going on in the heavens you can then align yourself for more joy and success in your life. What I like about the abilities of the gemstones is that they offer a remedy to relax stressful aspects and positions in our personal chart as well as for the time quality of the present moment.

I hope you enjoyed my musings, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author

Shakti Carola Navran; Astrologer, Jeweler, and Author.

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