Understanding the Psychic Gift of Levitation


  • Author Tana Hoy
  • Published March 3, 2010
  • Word count 578

If you were asked what special power do you want to have, what would your answer be? Perhaps if others would be asked, the most common wish would be the ability to fly. Well of course! Who doesn't want to fly anyway? However, to some people, flying is just some fantasy, they think that the ability to fly is just contained in fairy tales, or adventures of fictional characters like superheroes. What they don't know is that, there is a real way to achieve this coveted psychic ability, and the power or ability to fly is the psychic gift known as levitation.

The psychic realm is real, as real as our existence; and the psychic gift of levitation exists. Through levitation, a psychic could lift or make any object or body float on air, without any support of stands or strings. The only thing utilized here is the power of the mind.

Levitation is a real psychic gift. However, because of its rare nature, people have been doubting its existence throughout history. Contradicting the law of gravity, as they say, there is always an exception to the rule. In fact, there are even scientific explanations on how levitation occurs. The reality is, there has been a large number of people who have possessed the psychic power to levitate. The list includes saints, monks, yogis, and psychics from different walks of life, located in all the four corners of the Earth. Famous levitators include Daniel Douglas Homes, Buddha, and even Jesus Christ himself.

We have already defined levitation, how it evolved, and the various views of people around the world. Now one will curiously ask -- how does a person actually levitate? Many people are not aware of this, but each person has an innate psychic side, just waiting to be unlocked. Yes, you may even possess the power to levitate! Like any other psychic gift, levitation has necessary steps for its development and enhancement.

There are steps to master the art of levitation. A precaution however, these steps are not easy, and it is not an overnight thing you can master. Mastering levitation requires a good amount of hard work on your part, and an open mind.

PURIFICATION OF THE BODY. Purification of the body means cleaning one's self -- having a healthy diet and lifestyle. Purifying one's self also means resisting man's greatest temptation -- sex. This may sound strict, but levitation requires that you should avoid any form of sexual intercourse or sexual stimulation. This act is seen as a symbol of impurity. So it must be avoided since levitation needs you to be pure.

MAGNIFICATION OF THE MIND. Levitation is a mind controlled psychic gift. Thus, it follows that you must magnify the powers of your mind. You can do this through the art of meditation. When you meditate, try to release unwholesome thoughts. When your eyes are closed, everything that see should be white, and not even the sound of lightning should disrupt you. Thinking of wholesome thoughts actually give you the feeling of lightness, which in turn will help you to float or levitate.

AWAKENING THE SPIRIT. Lastly, a firm and strong connection with the spirit within you is needed. You must have a strong will power to pursue unleashing the true potential your hidden psychic ability.

Remember however, that mastering this ability cannot be achieved overnight. It takes utmost discipline, commitment, constant practice, and determination; to perfect the psychic gift of levitation.

Tana Hoy is a natural born psychic who has dedicated his life to helping people with his gift. Tana has also been helping people nourish and develop their psychic side. Visit www.tanahoy.com for more information.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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