The Elements of Astrology Love


  • Author Jack Moundon
  • Published September 14, 2007
  • Word count 414

In astrology, there are several aspects that you need to consider in identifying the compatibility of two signs. One of the easiest and most reliable ways to find out the compatibility of two signs is by understanding astrological elements. The elements air, earth, fire and water are the four astrological elements, each one attributing to three different signs. The Air element comprises Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Fire includes Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The element of Earth comprises Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus while Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio make up the Water element. These four elements have specific characteristics. For instance, Fire defines action, assertiveness, determination and optimism. The Earth element connotes stability, endurance and organization. The Air element defines action, eloquence, intelligence and sociability while the characteristics of being intuitive, passive, reactive and receptive make up the Water element.

It may be possible for you to understand the elements that are most likely to blend well with each other. Dealing with the four elements may come with general rule. For example, Fire mixes well with Air while Earth does so with Water. Although this rule may not be the be-all and end-all of determining the compatibility of these elements, it may create a solid ground when compatibility is concerned. If you happen to be casually interested in Astrology but are not so much into gauging planetary aspects between the two charts, then this formula may just be a much simpler method that you can incorporate. You may find that it may turn out to be how you expect it in the long run.

Understanding the four elements that make up astrology love may also explain why you are attracted to specific types of individuals even when the so-called general rule may not necessarily apply to you in particular. You may want to use a natal chart as a complement to this practice as you may be able to exactly figure out why you are attracted to an individual with certain characteristics. Usually, Air and Water are the most troublesome when it comes to compatibility and a relationship between these two elements may be difficult if the horoscope cannot be able to strike a balance between the two of them.

There are many free websites that you can find that provides your personal natal chart. Your personal natal chart can help you understand why you tend to lean towards someone of a different sign, why some elements may not be present in it and many others.

Jack Moundon is a writer of, a site which provides information on astrology, astrological predictions, chinese elements, zodiac signs and more.

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