Author's articles

Select the makeup style and the lipstick
By Liudmila Cosicova · 12 years ago
What lipstick suits your character? Often the choice of color depends not only on the color of your hair, eyes and skin, as well as the dress, but on the condition of the soul. Listen ...
A Potted History of Cosmetics
By Artur Cosicov · 12 years ago
For thousands of years, people have been using cosmetics and evidence has been found of this from as long ago as 4,000 BC during the Ancient Egyptian period. Rich and poor alike all wore eye ...
It's a Cover Up
By Artur Cosicov · 12 years ago
These days, having a 'healthy tan' is much admired and favoured over pale skin. In the past it was associated with the rich, who could afford foreign travel to exotic locations but later tanning salons ...
Men and Makeup - Manly or Modest?
By Artur Cosicov · 12 years ago
Men and women have been wearing makeup for centuries and when associating men with makeup, most would think that men who wear it are rather effeminate. This could not be further from the truth. Throughout ...
What is Alternative Health Care?
By Artur Cosicov · 12 years ago
Alternative Health Care is not a modern creation; it has, in reality, been in existence for centuries, in fact many people believe it predates written human history.  So what is Alternative Health Care?  In Western ...
Designing and Creating a Cosy Home
By Artur Cosicov · 12 years ago
There truly is no better place to be than at home, surrounded by your very own creature comforts. For some, a stark minimalistic home might be the ideal environment to relax; for others a cosy ...
Alternative health care options
By Artur Cosicov · 12 years ago
There are many alternative health care options including hypnotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture and reflexology to name but a few. During a hypnotherapy session the subject is put into a trance-like state by several different methods. The ...