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Comparison of Constitutional Review between France and United States
By Sabina Huseynova · 1 year ago
Constitutionаl review is legislative act amending the constitution of the state. Ordinary changes in the legislation are made by the state аuthority acting in the usual manner provided by the constitution. Since constitutional provisions are ...
How can America Fulfill its Promise and Become a more Compassionate and Democratic Country?
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
For the past few years, I have been very concerned about the growing hate and violence in America and I have been wondering how we can begin to make the changes needed to strengthen our ...
A Very Reasonable Speech for Governors of Florida
By M. C. Miller · 1 year ago
Americans, especially older citizens more likely to make campaign donations and vote, are terrified of letting their children learn about the rest of the world – and for good reason! Children uncritically believe every culture ...
What’s the purpose of business? It’s important to ask.
By Adrian Dore · 1 year ago
I know this question won’t top most philosophically minded people’s to-do lists, but perhaps it should. It must be on the list of those concerned with our socioeconomic and environmental problems. Some may think there ...
Be a Human Rights Advocate
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
All people who care about their children and grandchildren want to build the best country and the best and most peaceful world for themselves and their families to live in. The only question that we ...
Putin's chef Prigozhin starting a war in Kremlin?
By Rihanna Lewis · 1 year ago
One of Putin’s confidents – “his ex-cook” and head of the Russian Wagner group - oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed to be the sole hero of the day, trying to undermine the stance of Russian Ministry ...
Vacuum-Up - the reality. Trickel Dow the lie
By Adrian Dore · 1 year ago
Vacuum Up — the reality. Trickle Down — the lie. I am sure you have heard of the fallacy Trickle Down? If not, here’s a brief synopsis of the fantasy which so many believed. Some ...
Dangerous New Epidemics in our Country and in the World--Hate and Anger
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
While hate and anger have been with us since the beginning of time, it has recently become more widespread because of the wider spread of disinformation available by increased special interest media coverage and the ...
Silicon Valley & Biden’s Handlers VS Elon Musk & Freedom of Speech
By John Powers · 1 year ago
As the man who has his podcast with its figurative finger on the proverbial pulse of the country, Joe Rogan is perhaps too popular or visible to be silenced. Alternatively, he is maligned, mocked, criticized, ...
A Pall Settles Over America
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
I see it in their eyes, downcast and wary. I see it in their steps, shuffling and tentative. When they talk, they use a word I rarely hear, depressed. These are the producers, those who ...
Nkrumah Effect And It Implications On Ghana's Economy
By Edward Otoo · 1 year ago
Kwame Nkrumah is by no doubt the most outstanding and visionary leader Ghana has ever had. He was a great THINKER and politician who laid the foundation for the socio-economic development of Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah ...
An Exciting Year
By Larry Farmer · 1 year ago
An Exciting Year It started in late 1965. After being energized by the Goldwater campaign of 1964, I decided to find a way to make my voice heard. The vehicle I chose was the Western ...
How Can We Tell The Difference
By Larry Farmer · 1 year ago
How Can We Tell The Difference In the book Animal Farm, the revolutionary animals conducted a successful uprising. Afterwards they begin to adopt the culture and lifestyle of their human opponents. At the end of ...
Does The UK’s Brexit Plan Breach International Law?
By Alex Belsey · 1 year ago
On the 14th June 2022, the UK Contact Group Co-Chairs David McAllister, Bernd Lange and Nathalie Loiseau issued a statement following a meeting with Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, which addressed concerns that The Northern ...
The Diary of Anya Verkhovskaya
By Anya Verkhovskaya · 1 year ago
Today I went to war without ever leaving my office in Milwaukee. Every morning at 3 a.m., which is 11 a.m. in Ukraine, I leave my warm, comfortable bed, drink my coffee, and then I ...
What's Troubling The Stock Market? It's Missiles, Not Basis Points
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Speaking before the United Nations last Wednesday, President Biden referred to the Ukraine War as brutal and senseless. More than a few investors might have thought he was referring to the stock market, which has ...
The World Divides
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Seventy-Five years ago, Winston Churchill proclaimed that the world was dividing into two camps. The Cold War had begun. Last week Vladimir Putin made the same observation to another audience. -- He lacks the rhetorical ...
The End Of The "New World Order?"
By David Reavill · 1 year ago
Imagine if leaders representing nearly half the world's population were to meet, and it didn't make the nightly news. Very little has been reported in the Western Press about the latest meeting of the Shanghai ...
The height of human heinousness: Palestine-Israel Conflict
By Rahnuma Ramisa · 1 year ago
90 000 displaced in Gaza. 5 590 Palestinians killed between 2008 and 2020. 95% Gaza’s water unfit for human use. For around a century, millions of Palestinians have been constantly alienated, displaced and injured. Their ...
Pence Was In Charge
By Larry Farmer · 1 year ago
Pence Was In Charge I have a theory that Mike Pence was calling many of the shots when Donald Trump was President. To begin with, I don’t believe Trump or his inner circle expected to ...