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What can we learn from the the Jan 6 Capitol Riot?
By Emma Stamas · 3 years ago
As I watched the Trump supporters and rioters wave their flags and break windows and climb the walls of the Capitol building on Jan 6, I wasn’t surprised at all. I have suspected that a ...
Myopia for Dystopia in the Illusion of Utopia
By Randy Gonzalez · 3 years ago
Postmodern times offer an array of multifaceted displays for the observation of disingenuous and hypocritical behaviors at varying levels of social interaction. In this presentation, myopia suggests the stupefying yet intentional behaviors characterized by exceptional ...
Boko Haram: Nigeria’s biggest security problem
By Hubert Nomamiukor · 3 years ago
Time and time again, Nigeria’s security forces have proved that they are incapable of protecting the country’s national security from acts of terror. Over the last 11 years since Boko Haram’s founder Mohammed Yusuf was ...
Independence remains an unattainable Lithuanian dream
By Adomas Abromaitis · 3 years ago
Lithuanian political activist Žilvinas Razminas in his article “HOPE - MOTHER OF POLITICAL FOOLS …” admits that Lithuania steps on a rake again. He and his supporters called to boycott the elections and predicted the ...
Dr. Richard Konteh: A Courageous Transformational Leader Amid The Unknown
By D-Unifier Team · 3 years ago
It is asserted that leaders are made, not born. Additionally, the makings of a transformational leader are defined, in part, by the leader’s willingness to venture into the unknown. This, of course, takes great courage ...
European defence still matters but not for Lithuania
By Adomas Abromaitis · 3 years ago
European countries have different points of view on the issue of the EU collective defence and security. These views divide the European Union and continue to weaken the organization. Some of the EU member states ...
U.S. pleased Iraq doing more to protect U.S. embassy: Pompeo | Apadana Media
By Apadana Media · 3 years ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday the United States was pleased that the Iraqi government was doing more to protect the U.S. embassy in Baghdad from Iran-backed Shiite Muslim ...
Politicians Totally Ignore the Only Free Market Solution to America's Economic Crisis!
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
Consider the following FACTS. On average, the American economy grows at the rate of $4,000,000,000,000 (yes that’s 4 trillion dollars) annually. That translates into about $12,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. But ...
Arrogance in Ignorance – The Republic is in Danger - Censorship
By Randy Gonzalez · 4 years ago
In the rampant rage of wide-spread devolution of humanity, particularly on the shores of the U.S., the arrogance of ignorance spews its contagion in diverse ways. By contentious condescension of intentional malevolence, the spurting of ...
Phony Appeals to Fallacies of Pretentious Squeals
By Randy Gonzalez · 4 years ago
In the aftermath of a horrendous human tragedy, such as a murderous event, fascination and even puzzlement finds curiosity with regard to fearful emotional reactivity. The living find refuge in fearful and debasing emotional reactivity. ...
Rally 'Round The Flag? We The People
By Christopher Szumilas · 4 years ago
February 2020 With the impending political and military activity due to the actions surrounding the US Embassy in Iraq, now is a good time for citizens to sharpen their "observatory lenses" when assessing the United ...
Pathology of the decadent Few
By Randy Gonzalez · 4 years ago
Several hundred years "B.C." or "B.C.E.", warnings emanated from Grecian culture about the necessity for wiser instigations to enhance civilization. Yet, that is only one point of reference, as there have been many for which ...
The Wiener Theory – Human Devolution Query
By Randy Gonzalez · 4 years ago
Meanwhile, in the adventures of the pseudosciences, an interesting proposition rises with stiffened resolve to take notice of post-modern maladaptive behaviors. With a turgid state of insistence, the unrelenting willfulness for actors in the social ...
Mera Jism Meri Merzi--Negative Feminism
By Shahid Abbasi · 4 years ago
Mera Jism Meri Merzi--Negative Feminism by Shahid Ali Abbasi The all-pervasive notion of Mera Jism Meri Merzi in Pakistan needs a deep and careful analysis. On the surface. it looks simple and gives an easy ...
The Least Worse Presidential Candidate? Trump, Biden, Sanders, Warren, Yang, Buttitieg, Bloomberg?
By An Ho · 4 years ago
It is widely known the upcoming 2020 Presidential election will be the most important election in our generation. President Trump, isn't exactly earning the approval of the majority of Americans and the Democratic Party does ...
Europe suffers from excessive care on the part of the U.S.
By Adomas Abromaitis · 4 years ago
Historically, the U.S. perceives the EU as a developing organization which needs guidance and advice. Though just a few years ago Europe seemed more united and found consensus more easily, the United States managed to ...
How to Properly Insult a Democrat- Voters Guide for GenXYZ, Millennials and some Boomers too.
By Axel Thomas · 4 years ago
If you have an overwhelming desire to control our climate, vote Democrat. But can you really predict the climate when our planet is spinning at 1000 MPH, revolving around the sun at 67,000 MPH, moving ...
Who really defends the Baltic States?
By Viktors Domburs · 4 years ago
About 500 U.S. troops arrived in Lithuania in October. This news is widely discussed all over the Baltic States and Europe. The issue of permanent NATO presence in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia has been discussed ...
Two-faced Lithuanian politics
By Adomas Abromaitis · 4 years ago
Lithuania continues attempts to support the image of a democratic state and at the same time not to lose foreign military support. On September 26, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda made his first address at the ...
Do Something
By June Stepansky · 4 years ago
I have been waiting for many years for the Republicans in Congress to act to make our country safer from mass shootings I thought they would do something when 20 children and 6 adults were ...