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There is a problem with Ukraine
By Larry Farmer · 2 years ago
There is a problem with Ukraine There is something going on in Ukraine which is just not as it appears. Sophistication, complexity, and intrigue are the three best words to describe this beleaguered country. To ...
Cyberwar History and Ukraine
By Steve Burgess · 2 years ago
People are much more drawn to images of blown-up building, fires, mushroom clouds, refugees in dire circumstances, color pictures of pain that are better in black and white than they are to explanations of code ...
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
Cartoonist Walt Kelly modified and changed Commodore Perry’s famous quote to, “We have met the enemy and he is us” in a cartoon he created in 1970 celebrating the first Earth Day in 1970. The ...
Cowardice of Culture for Collusive Consensus - 1
By Randy Gonzalez · 2 years ago
Cowardice in a culture of sameness, contrived by the lameness of intellectual regression, portends the recession that harkens the end by collusive and contrived consensus. For a viewpoint arguing contrary to the herded powers of ...
American Roads
By Taylor Phipps · 2 years ago
“Racist” Roads Recently an infrastructure bill was voted on with the promise to fix American roads. Not because they are run down, broken, or old but because they are racist. Racist. Apparently, American roads are ...
A Society in Transition
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
We all are aware that change in our personal lives is difficult, constant, and inevitable. We notice it when we look in the mirror or see our children grow. What is not so noticeable, however, ...
The Assault on Science
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
When I was a young girl, there was a great respect for people of science (doctors, scientists etc.). We trusted them and felt that the contributions of all of our world scientists had made our ...
The Evolution and Effects of Quebec Independence Movement
By Neaz Mujeri · 2 years ago
The independence movement in Quebec is not really a recent phenomenon, in fact, nationalistic feelings in French Canadians in forming a nation of their own has its root in pre-industrial Quebec or New France, when ...
Covid Conspiracies and the Animal Rights community in Victoria, Australia
By April Boxshall · 2 years ago
Let us think rationally if that is possible. Why would any government, left, right, or in the middle, proceed with the up-popular choice of a lockdown if they did not believe it was the only ...
Democracy in the Crosshairs
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
I have been a witness to the democratic process for many, many years. I have participated in numerous elections that have brought to office Democrats and Republicans of various philosophies and styles, but I have ...
The Continuing Fight for Equality
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal. That they are endowed, by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."-- ...
A Question of Survival
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
Recently I was watching the movie Conquest of Paradise with Gerard Depardieu, a movie about Columbus and his discovery of the new world. As I was watching the cruelty that occurred in those days (1492)– ...
By Jane Henschke · 2 years ago
Sunday, 11 July 2021, saw the anticlimactic announcement that the last of Australia’s military personnel have been withdrawn from Afghanistan, a conflict that saw over 39,000 veterans deployed over the 20 years our country committed ...
American Aristocracy and Societal Devolution
By Randy Gonzalez · 3 years ago
Aristocracy, the brevity for a metaphorical assertion of upper-class dominance, rule and hereditary perpetuity. By indirect inference, the special interests of the wealthy elite, the up and coming elite, generational replication, that furthers the materiality ...
Tragedy, Fear and Terrorism Arrogantly Near
By Randy Gonzalez · 3 years ago
Terrorism is crime and crime are terrorism. Add the externality of effects, from community to country, and criminogenic factors are elevated to a more adventurous status. Fear factors are influential, likewise, so is human weakness ...
Leadership in an Era of Leaderless Pretension - 1
By Randy Gonzalez · 3 years ago
In numerous corporate, governmental and collegiate forums, seminars and workshops across the U.S. nation, hope springs eternal in the elusive hunt for leadership. Who represents it in a realistic portrayal or ideal role model? What ...
The Irony Of Commemorating The Sharpeville Massacre Amidst Ongoing Police Brutality
By Zahid Jadwat · 3 years ago
March 21, 1960, now commemorated as Human Rights Day every year in South Africa, was one of the key moments in the fight against Apartheid when innocent protestors were killed by Police on that fateful ...
1. Domestic terrorism in the US.
By Dr. Mustapha Kulungu · 3 years ago
Domestic Terrorism in the United States Mustapha Kulungu, Ph.D. ILM Foundation Institute of Los Angeles ABSTRACT Domestic terrorism involves violence against the civilian population or infrastructure of a nation- often, but not always, by citizens ...
Capital Punishment: How Money And Power Reshapes Societies
By Alex Belsey · 3 years ago
In a capitalist system, money is inextricably linked with power – the more money you have, the greater influence you wield. In particular, purchasing power can become political power when the wealthy use their resources ...
The Secret Alien Agenda and the Stupidity Virus
By Randy Gonzalez · 3 years ago
With all due allusion to myth, magic and metaphor, and perhaps even an attempt at allegory, the “secret alien agenda” pertains to a cosmic conspiracy. There is no intent to any references, direct or indirect, ...