Social Issues

Navigating the Surge: DWI Cases During San Antonio's Fiesta Celebration
By Jonathan Geserick · 3 months ago
As San Antonio bursts into color and life for its annual Fiesta celebration, the city becomes a hub for vibrant parades, festive events, and an influx of visitors. This much-anticipated celebration, deeply rooted in the ...
Can a Refugee Speak?
By Lina Alzouabi · 3 months ago
Have you ever pondered whether a refugee can speak!!? I am not here referring to the literal meaning, but the opportunity to openly express one's true inner self. The first thing that might come to ...
Investigating the Rich Embroidery of Culture: An Excursion Through Variety and Custom
By Hiba Noor · 3 months ago
Introduction: Culture is the pith of human progress, winding around a rich embroidery of convictions, customs, customs, expressions, and values that characterize social orders across the globe. It envelops a heap of components, including language, ...
By Faheem A Zaidi · 3 months ago
LADIES' VALUE AND STRENGTH: BREAKING BOUNDARIES AND BUILDING A MORE PROMISING TIME TO COME Prologue to Ladies' Value and Strength Ladies' value and versatility are basic themes in this day and age. Regardless of critical ...
Social Media’s Influence on Parents and Children
By Suvarna S · 4 months ago
In today’s digital era, social media has become an essential aspect of our daily routines. Whether it’s connecting with loved ones or staying up to date on current events, social media provides numerous advantages. Nevertheless, ...
What Your Friends Never Told You Before Helping You Become a Heroin Addict
By Samantha Bushika · 3 months ago
I never wanted to become a heroin addict, but in a world where we often put our best foot forward on social media and paint our lives with rosy colors, I know firsthand that there ...
Debunking Fitness Myths: Fact vs Fiction for a Healthier You
By Ron Hendricks · 4 months ago
We frequently come into a lot of myths and misconceptions when pursuing improved health and fitness, which might hinder our progress or take us in the wrong direction. Distilling truth from fiction when it comes ...
The Evolution of LGBTQ2+ Rights and Representation
By Akram & Raza · 4 months ago
The journey of LGBTQ2+ rights and representation is a testament to the resilience, courage, and unwavering spirit of the community and its allies. From the shadows of marginalization to the spotlight of mainstream acceptance, this ...
The Benefits of Streetlights
By Kaedon Griffith · 4 months ago
Imagine driving through the darkness of night, the road ahead unclear, until the comforting glow of a streetlight illuminates the way, guaranteeing safe passage. This shows the beneficial effects of installing streetlights. Because streetlights are ...
From Adoration to Control: Unmasking the Tactics of Love Bombing
By Carla Corelli · 5 months ago
Love bombing is a manipulative tactic often used in the early stages of an abusive relationship. It involves one partner overwhelming the other with grandiose gestures and declarations of love. The goal of love bombing ...
The Chilling Truth: How Air Conditioning Feeds into World Hunger
By Cheyenne Sheafe · 4 months ago
In the heart of summer, as the mercury climbs, the hum of air conditioning units becomes the backdrop of daily life in affluent societies. This modern comfort, however, casts a long shadow, one that reaches ...
5 benefits of watching animes
By Cintia Katharine · 4 months ago
Anime, a style of animation originating from Japan, has garnered a massive global following over the years. With its diverse genres, captivating storytelling, and unique animation styles, anime offers viewers a multitude of benefits beyond ...
Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy – Using Sustainable Technologies
By Vishal Talreja · 5 months ago
It is widely accepted that the oil and gas industry has played a significant role in causing climate change through its emissions. By burning fossil fuels, greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which contribute ...
By Roger Domingo · 4 months ago
South Africa, a vibrant nation with a youthful population, stands at the crossroads of significant economic transformation. The persistent challenge of unemployment, particularly among the youth, calls for innovative and forward-thinking solutions. Organisations aiming to ...
The lost freedom
By Bahar Lak · 4 months ago
Consider yourself as a young woman preparing for university. Your thoughts naturally revolve around the course of your day and your academic pursuits. However, residing in Iran presents a starkly different reality. Your foremost concern ...
Nigeria's Stride Towards Refined Oil: A Milestone in Energy Evolution
By Arnold Mukasa · 5 months ago
As the sun sets over the vast landscapes of Nigeria, a new chapter is being written in the nation's energy saga. Emmanuel Katto Uganda based local journalist wrote in recent new piece that in a ...
The Age of Israel: is there scriptural support that the elements of communion change into the Literal Body and Blood of Christ?
By James Rondinone · 5 months ago
At Communion, Is the Supposition That the Bread and Wine Change into the Substance of the Literal Body and Blood of Christ Supported by Old Testament Scriptures During the Age of Israel? This is another ...
Why I Subscribe to Spiritual Deism
By Joseph Toney · 5 months ago
One of the primary reasons I align with spiritual deism is its emphasis on rational inquiry alongside spiritual exploration. A graduate education fosters critical thinking and analytical skills, allowing me to approach spirituality with intellect ...
Finding Love In Your Senior Years. And Telling The Kids!
By Nicholas K. · 5 months ago
Love in our senior years often comes with a quiet, profound beauty, markedly different from the heady, impulsive romances of youth. In these later chapters of life, love is not a whirlwind, but rather a ...
What Will the Job of the Christian be in the Kingdom of God?
By Garfield Gregoire · 5 months ago
Millions who profess a belief in Christ falsely believe that the reward of the just is going to heaven to be with God; those who believe this have no understanding of what they are going ...