Teaching Our Children to be Lucky: Lucky Characteristic #1


  • Author Sherrie Hardy
  • Published September 2, 2010
  • Word count 505

Lucky people take advantage of the chance opportunities in their lives.

In fact, Dr. Wiseman, author of The Luck Factor, found lucky people have more chance opportunities than non-lucky people and they categorized the majority as beneficial. As he investigated why these people often had these experiences (and unlucky people did not) he found three common characteristics:

  1. Lucky people are friendly. They smile. They like to meet new people. They will strike up a conversation with a stranger sitting on the bus next to them. Others usually feel attracted to them and they are good at maintaining friendships. Dr. Wiseman uses the term extrovert; however, I am a lucky introvert. Just because your child seems to re-energize by being alone does not need to hinder their luck factor if s/he is friendly and sociable when in public.

  2. Lucky people are more relaxed. This allows them to notice opportunities that present themselves because they are not preoccupied with life´s stresses.

  3. Lucky people are open to new experiences. By trying new things and being open to new adventures, they meet new people, make new connections and stretch their routine. By doing so they encounter new friends or customers, add a little spice to their lives and expand business.

"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises." – Demosthenes

Activities to Try with Children

These activities are designed to help you start to give your child tools to develop the characteristics to become luckier:

• Becoming More Friendly/Outgoing

o Give your child plenty of opportunities to play with kids the same age and participate in activities. If your child seems particularly shy, invite just one friend at a time over to play or join a playgroup with just a few members.

o Chance meeting: Role playing can be a fun way to gain self confidence and become more outgoing. Each person chooses their role. It can be someone famous (real or fictional). Then each person introduces themselves and you have a conversation as that person. It can get pretty silly.

o Accept your child for who s/he is. With your love and support they will grow to become more social.

• Simple Relaxation Techniques

o Taking a quick walk can help boost serotonin levels and improve your mood and thus calm you down.

o Breathing deeply helps to slow the heart rate and relax you.

o Listening to calming music can create a peaceful effect.

• New Adventure Lottery- Sit down with your child and think about five new adventures you would like to do together. This could be as simple as trying out the new ice cream flavor at the local shop or volunteering one Saturday morning at a nearby organization or attending a professional theater production together. Write down your ideas on a piece of paper and toss them into a hat. Let your child pick one out and make it happen.

"Luck affects everything; let your hook always be cast; in the stream where you least expect it, there will be a fish." – Ovid

Sherrie Hardy, M.A., MIMC, author of Beyond Labels-Helping Your Child Succeed In School, founder of Hardy Brain Training, Hardy Learning Center and Hardy Academy programs that create success for struggling students and adults, creator of Rising Star Home Training System improving attention, learning and behavior and Successful Student Now on-line teleseries that teaches parents how to discover and correct the problems that inhibit their children’s success. http://SuccessfulStudentNow.com

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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